With these two magic weapons close by, it would be so easy for them to kill him. Being able to retreat him is already the best enchantment.

In the final analysis, Lu Aochen's own strength is too strong, and these two instruments are also too strong, it is inevitable that he can escape from death in the end, and he has no one to blame.

"If you run away, run away, we've already taken advantage of it, so we should be content." Gu Fenghua said indifferently.

Hearing what she said, everyone's mood suddenly improved. Although Lu Aochen was finally allowed to escape, but he tried his best, but in the end he got nothing but the ancient clock artifact left by his ancestors. It was all cheap for them. Thinking the same, they should indeed be content.

"What about these people?" Lonen asked sympathetically as he looked at the holy masters who fell dead and were sucked into mummies on the spot.

"We are both saints, and they participated in the trial together. It is fate, so let's bury it." Gu Fenghua said, and then added, "By the way, don't waste the ice jade and fire heart grass on them. Material and earth treasures are not easy to come by, but they are born from the aura of the sun and the moon by gathering the essence of heaven and earth, if they are violent, the heaven and earth will be hard to tolerate."

"Well, what Fenghua said is correct. The reason why Wuji Shengtian chose the Nether Sand Sea as the trial site should be for this ice jade fire heart grass. This thing must be of great use. Although they are dead, but after a while Hard work can benefit other holy masters, and they should die in peace." Ye Wuse echoed.

"Obviously it's a deadly fortune, why can you speak so confidently, so refreshingly?" Luo Enen looked at Gu Fenghua and Ye Wuse with admiration.

"That's why I want you to read more books." Fatty Bai was also full of emotion.

"No wonder people often say that the most ruthless scholar is the most ruthless scholar. This is indeed true." Luo Enen muttered deeply.

Anyway, when they pretended to be poisoned, no one pleaded for mercy except Song Yu'an, and no one cared about their life and death at all. If Lu Aochen gave an order, these holy masters would even take action against them without hesitation, so everyone You don't have to be polite, and start to collect the spoils.

"Hey, this guy actually has so many good things on him." Lornen took down a storage bracelet, easily opened the seal, and spread the items inside on the ground.

Purple Spirit Grass, Qiuyue Flower, Magnolia... Star Gold, Clear Frost Stone, Mercury Silk... Hundreds of exotic flowers and plants and fine gold and secret silver appear in front of you, no matter how poor your vision is, you can still see these strange things. The flowers and herbs and the fine gold and mithril are of good quality, and together they are worth at least tens of millions of taels of silver.

"These treasures are not easy to come by. They are all born with the spirit of heaven and earth. If they are buried in the ground with him, it will be unreasonable." Luo Enen was deeply moved, and put all these treasures back into the storage bracelet , and then directly put the bracelet into his arms.

"Yeah, they're all dead anyway. If the treasures left behind can benefit other holy masters, I think they'll know it, and they should die in peace." Fang Tianyou also took advantage of the opportunity to put the storage bracelet in his hand into the pocket.

Ye Wuse and the others took a second look at the two of them, applying what they learned now. These two guys are also very talented in this regard.

Those who can participate in the Promise Trial are all elites from various countries in the mainland and major temples. Naturally, their wealth is not thin. Gu Fenghua and others checked it briefly, but they didn't bother to clean it up. They simply put away the storage bracelets. .

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