My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1162 Great Sage—Ye Lishang!

Although monsters are ferocious and bloodthirsty by nature, that is just the survival rule of natural selection and has nothing to do with good or evil. Generally speaking, the more powerful the monster, the more intelligent it is, and the more peaceful its mind, which is not much different from that of a human being. This is obviously the case with the monitor lizard king in front of him.

Of course, just like human beings have good and bad and good and evil, even the top monsters can be good and evil, but the King of Demon Lizards in front of him is definitely not as cruel and bloodthirsty as those low-level ones, Gu Fenghua can rest assured too much.

"We are Saint Masters who came to the Nether Sand Sea for trials. We accidentally disturbed senior's cleanliness. I hope senior will forgive me." Gu Fenghua said politely.

"Trial, what trial?" The demon king lizard was even more puzzled.

"It's the trial of Wuji Shengtian. As long as we pass the assessment, we can go to Wuji Shengtian and embark on the path of the real strong." Gu Fenghua patiently explained.

"What is Wuji Shengtian, isn't this the Tianji Continent?" The demon king monitor looked up and looked around, and then looked at the stone palace at the end of the steps.

"You don't know Wuji Shengtian?" Gu Fenghua and others were all surprised.

It only knows about the Tianji Continent, but it doesn't even know about the Wuji Holy Sky. Doesn't this mean that this barrier has already been established long before the appearance of the Wuji Holy Sky, and it has already stayed here?

"I remembered, after the catastrophe, Lord Saint once said that there are too many strong people in the world, and disasters will happen sooner or later, so we need to find another place to practice and restrain everyone. Could it be the infinite holy sky you mentioned?" Demon King Monitor Lizard After thinking for a moment, he finally thought of something and said.

It seems that Gu Fenghua and others guessed correctly, the appearance of this enchantment is indeed still between the Wuji Holy Heaven, and it also arrived here early, so they don't know anything about the Wuji Holy Heaven.

"Well, that's it." Gu Fenghua nodded and said.

"What about Lord Saint, how is he doing now? The injury shouldn't be serious, right?" Demon King Monitor Lizard then asked.

"Holy one?" Now it was Gu Fenghua's turn to be confused.

"I'm talking about the great sage who led the mainland's strong men to break through the world-destroying purple dust and save the people from danger——Ye Lishang! Back then, when the mainland fell into the world-destroying purple dust, it could be said that the world was full of sorrow, I don't know how many innocent human monsters and beasts died tragically, and the whole continent was at stake. At the critical moment, it was Lord Saint who raised his arms and shouted, calling on the powerful people in the world to unite and fight to the death against that world-destroying purple dust..." Speaking of the name of this saint Name, the ferocious face of the Demon King Monitor Lizard showed extremely anthropomorphic reverence and fascination, and then he began to talk incessantly.

Gu Fenghua and the others were even more confused. They had heard that there were three holy kings in Wuji Holy Heaven, and the holy man mentioned by the demon king monitor lizard should be one of these holy kings, but they didn't know The titles of these saints, of course, they don't know what the saint is like in his mouth, nor do they know what happened to his injuries? But I guess tens of thousands of years have passed, no matter how serious the injury is, it should be healed.

"You have never seen the majesty of the Lord Saint. As the saying goes, heroes come out of troubled times. At that time, Tianji Continent could be said to have countless geniuses and strong men, but in front of Lord Saint, they were like the light of rice grains, and they dared not compete with the sun and the moon. Hui, even the most rebellious kings of monsters and even queens of the beasts bowed their heads to the Lord Saint. If it wasn't for the Lord Saint, how could these people work together to resolve the catastrophe. Although in the past After so many years, but as long as you think of the peerless demeanor of the sage..." The demon king monitor lizard obviously worshiped Ye Lishang to the extreme, and continued to speak in a froth.

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