Just as it was speaking, the beast-shaped phantom gradually became clear. I saw a black dragon soaring in the sky, but it gave people a sense of emptiness and emptiness, revealing violence and death from top to bottom.

Although it is somewhat different from the legendary dragon in the picture scroll, Gu Fenghua and others can still feel the power of the divine beast that seems to tower over the heaven and earth. They were so overwhelmed by the huge pressure that their heartbeats even felt momentary. stop.

"I remember you said just now that you woke me up?" Jin Zhetian suddenly asked Gu Fenghua.

Seeing this magic dragon, it suddenly understood why it had been sleeping for tens of thousands of years. It was obvious that this magic dragon took advantage of its unpreparedness to secretly seal its divine sense, and with Gu Fenghua's strength, wanted to break the magic dragon Sealing is such an easy task, there must be something hidden in it.

"That's right, I happen to have the power of the phoenix." Seeing the appearance of the magic dragon, Gu Fenghua probably guessed what was going on, changed his mind a bit, and answered honestly.

Earlier, she deliberately concealed this from Jin Zhetian, because its mission is to protect the power of the phoenix. If it knows that it also has the power of the phoenix, it is easy to guess the purpose of entering the stone palace, and it may turn against it immediately. enemy. Facing the sober Demon Lizard King, they are no match.

However, Gu Fenghua sensed the extreme danger from the violent and deadly spirit of this demon king, so he no longer concealed it.

When speaking, Gu Fenghua secretly heightened his vigilance, for fear that his words would upset the demon king on the spot.

"As expected, come with me!" Luckily, Jin Zhetian didn't turn his back on him, his eyes showed ecstasy when he heard this, he turned around and ran towards the stone palace.

Without hesitation, Gu Fenghua and others followed closely.

While running, Jin Zhetian chanted in a low voice in animal language that Gu Fenghua and others couldn't understand, and behind him, the barrier crack quickly closed.

"Jin Zhetian, you are so ignorant of good and evil, when I break the barrier, I will make you suffer so much!" Seeing this, the dragon roared in mid-air, full of hostility.

Jin Zhetian acted as if he had never heard of it, he just rushed all the way, and soon he brought everyone back to the stone palace.

With the arrival of Gu Fenghua, the phoenix power like a flame elf in the stone palace flew over again and again, but they couldn't conflict with the invisible restriction no matter what.

"This is the handprint that Lord Saint used back then. Hurry up to comprehend it and collect the power of the phoenix!" Jin Zhetian said urgently to Gu Fenghua, then stood upright and made handprints one after another.

A monster with such a huge body and such a ferocious face stood upright like a human being and made handprints. Of course, it was funny no matter how you looked at it, but everyone present couldn’t laugh—as long as they were not blind, anyone could see Jin Zhetian’s handprints. The extreme anxiety in the eyes, even fear.

Therefore, Gu Fenghua didn't ask any more questions, and focused on watching the handprint it made while imitating it with all his heart.

In the ears, there was a loud noise, and the earth trembled accordingly. Listen carefully, and you can still hear the soft sound of the enchantment gradually breaking. Obviously, the magic dragon was constantly attacking the barrier, and Jin Zhetian's eyes became more anxious.

"Have you learned it?" Although he is one of the nine demon kings and his wisdom is no less than that of human beings, it is still not easy for Jin Zhetian to imitate such human handprints due to the trap of his body. Finally, after stumbling through the handprints, he couldn't wait to ask Gu Fenghua.

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