"Just for a while." After the magic dragon finished speaking, he blinked his eyes and said, "According to human time, it is about a few days? Or ten days?"

Everyone was speechless. But then I understood again.

The lifespan of the magic dragon is very long, and it has been sealed here for a long time, so the concept of time is somewhat different.

Gu Fenghua and others calculated the time and decided to stay here temporarily if they could go out before the end of the trial. The environment here is much stronger than the sand sea outside.

Xie Youran, Fang Tianyou and Lin Hanyi already knew that this powerful man named Ye Yunji was Gu Fenghua's lover. In addition to sighing in my heart, I was shocked. Seeing the interaction between the two again, I still don't understand how deep the relationship between the two is.

"The clothes are also dirty, take a bath first and then change." Ye Yunji looked at the blood-stained clothes on Gu Fenghua's body, with distressed eyes. Then he looked at the magic dragon wrapped around his wrist with cold eyes, grabbed the dragon's tail again, swung it a few times in the air and threw it out.

With a cry, the magic dragon flew into the air, tears streaming down its face. Then I once again deeply realized that I must please my wife!

Fang Tianyou murmured to Xie Youran in a low voice: "Brother Ji is really amazing, I have never seen him so perfect. He is good-looking, so strong, and he is so kind to Fenghua."

"Yes." Xie Youran nodded, agreeing with Fang Tianyou's words very much. To be honest, he has never seen a man as handsome as Ye Yunji.

Ye Yunji's storage ring is larger and has everything you need. After confirming that the place was not dangerous, everyone relaxed. Start pitching tents for camping. It's been a long time since I've been so relaxed.

After bathing and changing into clean clothes, I felt hungry at this moment.

"What do you want to eat? I'll make it for you." Ye Yunji sat with Gu Fenghua, and Ye Yunji asked while holding Gu Fenghua's hand naturally.

Gu Fenghua held Ye Yunji's hand instead, with a smile on his face.

At this moment, Fatty Bai and the others suddenly understood what it meant to be a single dog in the storybook, and also understood what it meant to abuse a dog.

While Ye Yunji rescued Gu Fenghua.

In a distant place, at the entrance of a beautiful palace, four young people are walking in quickly.

"Is there really a sky-watching mirror here?" The young man walking at the end asked with a frown.

"It is said that there is, anyway, go ahead and find it before we talk about it." The young man in charge replied, and then asked, "Don't you want to see how our little Fenghua is doing?"

"I think, I really want to die. I don't know how our little Fenghua is doing now. Will she cry and look for us when we disappear." Another young man said worriedly.

"Xiao Fenghua has grown up, do you think she is still the same as when she was a child." The leading young man snorted coldly, and then a look of nostalgia appeared on his face, "Back then, Fenghua was a little girl, let's go out and buy her a Candied haws, she will cry if she doesn't see us for a while."

The faces of the four youths showed nostalgic expressions. These four youths are Gu Fenghua's four brothers who suddenly disappeared.

The leading youth is the eldest brother Gu Liyuan, the other three are the second brother Gu Qingyuan, the third brother Gu Hanyi, and the fourth brother Gu Yeyu. The four handsome young men have different temperaments, the only thing in common is the nostalgic and doting smiles in their eyes at the moment.

The four entered the main hall, and the barrier of the main hall seemed to be nothing in front of them. The four walked in quickly without changing expressions, and walked straight to the very center.

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