My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1187 I Said You Won't Be Disappointed

How did they know that the reason why Gu Fenghua and others have gained so much is largely from Luankong Mountain, and a bigger part is from Lu Aochen's friendly support. But this is also them, if any of the other teams present met Lu Aochen, it would be difficult to say who would support who.

Like Fatty Bai, Gu Fenghua and the others also each chose a Profound Transformation Pill, a Profound Spirit Pill, and hundreds of Extreme Soul Pills. So ambitious.

"Young Master Tang, I told you that you will not be disappointed. We will meet again in Wuji Shengtian." Gu Fenghua put away the holy pill and said to Tang Junhou with a smile.

Even though her smile was so gentle and harmless to humans and animals, Tang Junhou, who had already turned pale, turned pale with fright.

"Why can't you wait any longer, why are you so impatient and make you so mean." Tang Junhou was full of remorse, and really wanted to slap himself twice.

Looking at Gu Fenghua's obviously malicious eyes, apart from remorse, Young Master Tang was more afraid, his heart was beating faster and faster, and finally he rolled his eyes, and just passed out like this.

Alas, it's not good to fight against anyone, but if you insist on making trouble with Gu Fenghua, isn't this deliberately looking for abuse? Why doesn't this guy know how to learn a lesson? Looking at Tang Junhou who rolled his eyes wildly and fainted in shock, everyone was sympathetic.

Afterwards, the others also stepped forward to hand in the Ice Jade Fire Heart Grass. To the great relief of Gu Fenghua and others, Luo Changfeng also took out hundreds of Ice Jade Fire Heart Grass. Looking at the harvest of others, he should have no problem going to the Promise Holy Heaven.

Soon, everyone finished handing in the Ice Jade Fire Heart Grass and got the corresponding Holy Pill at the same time.

"Congratulations to the following, you have successfully passed the assessment and can go to Wuji..." The middle-aged man immediately announced without delay.

At this moment, the light pattern of the space enchantment in the Nether Sand Sea flickered, and a figure flew over vaguely.

Not long after, the barrier opened, and a woman rushed out with disheveled hair, a red holy bead shining between her eyebrows.

"Zhong Wanying!" Maybe others can't recognize who it is, but Gu Fenghua recognizes it at a glance. Isn't this the green tea bitch Zhong Wanying who has been having trouble with her?

There were quite a lot of people participating in the trial this time, Gu Fenghua couldn't have noticed everyone, and of course she didn't expect that Zhong Wanying would also come to participate in the Promise Trial, and she persisted until the end.

Not only did Gu Fenghua and the others get the Holy Pill, but they were determined to pass the assessment and go to the Promise Holy Heaven. They were in a good mood at first, but when they saw Zhong Wanying, they felt as sick as if they had eaten a fly.

But disgusting is disgusting, they still can't figure it out, with Zhong Wanying's strength, even if she has some aptitude and is lucky enough to be selected to participate in the trial, it is impossible for her to persevere until the end. Also, when did she advance to the realm of soul sage?

Soon, they had an answer. The moment the space barrier was broken, everyone could clearly see that behind her, more than a dozen figures were also flying over surrounded by the crystal light, but everyone's complexion was blue and black, and there were even a few figures. Foaming at the mouth. "Zhong Wanying, you bastard, how dare you poison us!" the leading holy master shouted furiously, raising his long sword at the same time.

Unfortunately, as soon as the words fell, he spurted a blood mist violently, and his body froze, and there was no more sound. It was obvious that the poisonous gas attacked his heart, and he died. Of course, the long sword he held high could not be cut again. .

Seriously, I think traditional Chinese medicine is really a biochemical weapon... This smell, tsk... To use a Sichuan dialect, it is simply unreasonable!

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