My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1189 She finally made a murderous attempt

After receiving the token, Zhong Wanying showed a smug smile, and subconsciously glanced at Gu Fenghua.

Gu Fenghua also looked at her at this moment, his eyes met, and a cold light flashed in Gu Fenghua's eyes.

Because her elder brothers loved her too much, Gu Fenghua didn't have many friends around her, so even though she knew Zhong Wanying's jealousy and inexplicable hatred for her, she still only regarded her as a clown and never moved. She tried to kill her before, but now, she knew that Zhong Wanying had completely changed. In order to pass the trial, she was able to kill her companions like this.

Gu Fenghua finally made up his mind, if he didn't meet her, it would be fine, if he met her, he would never tolerate her again, this time, even if he didn't take her life, he must destroy her cultivation base.

"This is the Holy Heaven Talisman. After you arrive at the Wuji Holy Heaven, you will use it to verify your integrity. You each keep it. Go to the temples of various countries within three months, and then I will have a way to send you to the Wuji Holy Heaven." Xia Qing Fan took out fifty jade talismans and handed them to Gu Fenghua and others respectively.

Everyone carefully put away the jade talisman. Including Gu Fenghua, everyone's understanding of Wuji Shengtian is extremely limited. Without this holy talisman guide, going to Wuji Shengtian will make it difficult for them to take a single step.

"This trial is over. No matter whether you can go to the Promise Heaven or not, I hope you will continue to work hard and become the strongest in the world. Alright Qingfan, let's go." The middle-aged man encouraged , said to Xia Qingfan.

"Senior brother, you go first, I still have some trivial things to do, I will leave later." Xia Qingfan said.

"It's up to you, I'll go first." The figure of the middle-aged man flickered and disappeared.

Xia Qingfan bowed, watched the middle-aged man leave, and fell into deep thought.

"What are you thinking about?" Gu Fenghua and others stepped forward and asked.

"I always feel that the number of Ice Jade and Fire Heart Grass handed in this time is a bit wrong, it should be more than that." Xia Qingfan said while thinking.

"Oh?" Gu Fenghua and the others looked at him suspiciously without careful calculation.

"According to my estimate, after this trial is over, on average, each person should find three plants of Ice Jade Fire Heart Grass. There are more than 5,000 people who participated in the trial, so the final hand-in should be more than 15,000. plant." Xia Qingfan said.

"How much did those people who left the Nether Sand Sea early pay in?" Lonen asked.

"More than two thousand plants." Xia Qingfan replied.

"There are more than 2,000 plants in the front, and we handed in a total of 13,000 plants just now. Isn't it just right to add them together?" Luo Enen said strangely. Although she is always cheated, but she buys and buys more times, Miss Luo is not slow to settle accounts.

The eight of them alone had handed in more than 9,000 Ice Jade Fireheart Grass, and Luo Changfeng and others together had handed in more than 4,000 plants, plus the previous ones, not exactly 15,000 plants. There is also very little discrepancy. Xia Qingfan was just making predictions, so how could he not have any discrepancies at all, if there were no discrepancies at all, he would become a god.

"It's just right, but I didn't expect that the eight of you alone would hand in nearly ten thousand plants." Xia Qingfan said.

Hearing what he said, Gu Fenghua and the others suddenly realized that something was wrong. Of the ice jade and fireheart grasses they handed over, more than two thousand and nearly three thousand plants came from Luankong Mountain, which was completely an accidental harvest. , aside from this accident, the access is really not small.

"Could it be that someone hid it for themselves, but don't you have the Anode Ice Heart Grass? Who dares to hide it?" Luo Enen said strangely.

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