"You hate me?" Gu Fenghua asked suddenly. Although it was just a brief glance at each other just now, she can still see the hidden hatred in the other's eyes, which is also the reason why she made a decision not to tolerate it.

"Fenghua, what are you kidding, we love sisters, how could I hate you?" Zhong Wanying showed that familiar gentle smile again, as if facing her own sister.

"Really? Then you and Jiang Anhe are as close as brothers and sisters, or are you as close as the sea, just like you and Lu Qinghong? If I guessed correctly, it is thanks to you that you can be promoted to the realm of the soul sage." Let him help, but at that time he would never have dreamed that he would die in your hands in the end." Gu Fenghua said sarcastically.

After listening to Gu Fenghua's words, Zhong Wanying's expression changed, and the corner of her mouth twitched slightly. What Gu Fenghua said was right, she was able to achieve what she is today, thanks to Jiang Anhe's great help.

"Fenghua, you misunderstood, things are not what you think." Zhong Wanying forced a smile and explained.

"Misunderstanding, do you really think we are all blind or deaf?" Gu Fenghua said with contempt.

"Yes, I am able to achieve today's cultivation base, all thanks to Jiang Anhe, and it is true that I poisoned him, but what does this have to do with you? There are too many injustices in the world, why do you meddle in your own business? Why are you holding me back?" Zhong Wanying was irritated by Gu Fenghua's contemptuous gaze, and knowing that no amount of excuses would work, she simply roared angrily.

"Indeed, there are too many injustices in this world, and I don't have that much time to meddle in other people's affairs, but you are different, I know, you hate me, and as long as you have the chance, you will definitely kill me.

Originally, I only thought of you as a clown, and playing around was just some tricks that couldn't get on the stage to make people laugh, but I didn't expect that you would become so vicious, so ruthless! "Gu Fenghua shook his head and said disappointedly.

If Zhong Wanying is still jumping up and down like before, she really has no time to pay attention to her. Anyway, she will go to the Promise Holy Heaven and embark on a cultivation path that Zhong Wanying will never be able to reach. Sooner or later, she will look down like an ant Looking down at each other in the same way, why bother to have the same knowledge as her?

But what Zhong Wanying did was completely beyond her expectations. Not only did she jump to the Soul Sacred Realm, but she also jumped to the Nether Sand Sea, and the next step is to jump to the Promise Heaven. If you don't strike early, God knows what tricks she will jump up and down. She doesn't want to be missed by this kind of poisonous woman all the time.

"Then what do you want, kill me, or abolish my cultivation?" After all, we have been together for many years, no matter how hypocritical, we still have enough understanding of each other, it is not difficult for Zhong Wanying to be disappointed by Gu Fenghua You can see her thoughts in her eyes.

"You do it yourself, you decide whether you want to live or die," Gu Fenghua said.

"Gu Fenghua, you are so cruel! Have you forgotten that I am your only friend." Zhong Wanying roared angrily and unwillingly.

Gu Fenghua didn't say a word, just looked at her indifferently. friend? Now that things have happened, she still has the face to mention the word "friend"? This is simply the biggest insult to the word "friend".

Seeing the indifference on her face, Zhong Wanying finally knew that it was useless to say anything else, Gu Fenghua had made up her mind, no matter what she said, she would never let herself go today.

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