Although she has never regarded Zhong Wanying as a friend from a very early age, after all these years of getting along with her, she is still very clear about this person's temperament.

"Then let's go back to Beijing right away!" Luo Enen said anxiously.

Zhong Wanying was right about one thing, the Luo family was loyal to the Xinghua royal family and would never betray, if Lu Aochen was really allowed to seek power and seize the throne, the Luo family would surely be wiped out.

In fact, not only the Luo family, but the Gu family, the Ye family, and the Jun family are all in the same situation. Everyone is worried.

"Let's go!" Gu Fenghua made a decisive decision and led the crowd towards Xinghua Country at high speed.

Tap your toes lightly, and one after another silhouettes fly past, leaving only a cloud of dust flying.

Zhong Wanying stopped in her tracks, looked at the black spots that were getting smaller and smaller in the distance, the corners of her mouth slightly raised, showing a sneer: Since Lu Aochen has already met Gu Fenghua and others, it is absolutely impossible for them to be willing to let them leave the Nether Sand Sea alive , the only possibility is that he has nothing to do with them. Now that he already knew how powerful Gu Fenghua and his group were, how could he allow them to ruin major events?

Gu Fenghua wants to return to Xinghua Capital alive, I'm afraid it will not be so easy!

"Pingsha Pass is ahead, why don't you rest for a night, buy a few wildebeests and continue on your way." Fang Tianyou said to Gu Fenghua, panting heavily.

Traveling all the way, three days later, the people braved the scorching sun, day and night, crossed the vast Gobi beyond the Nether Sand Sea, and arrived at Pingsha Pass on the border of Beimo Kingdom.

This route was different from the one they had come to. Although it was a bit difficult to cross the Gobi, the subsequent journey was shortened by nearly half. Of course, after that, they still need to climb a large area of ​​mountains and mountains, and the journey is naturally more difficult, but in order to return to Xinghua as soon as possible, they can't take care of so much.

"No, we must rush back to the capital as soon as possible." Loenen resolutely objected. When she thought of the safety of her parents and family members, she became very anxious and did not want to delay any time.

"Enen, let's rest for one night first." Gu Fenghua persuaded.

"But what if Lu Aochen makes a move in advance if we go back late?" Luo Enen said worriedly.

"Enen, I know you are worried about the safety of Uncle Luo and the clansmen, and we are also worried, but with our current situation, what can we do if we rush back to the capital?

It only took three days to cross the vast Gobi, not to mention Fang Tianyou, even her legs were numb and her body was weak. If they really wanted to rush back to Xinghua like this, they would exhaust themselves to death without Lu Aochen doing anything.

"Enen, listen to Fenghua, rest for one night first, buy a wildebeest before continuing on the road." Lu Zixuan also persuaded.

Although the return to Xinghua Road from this road is nearly half short, it is bumpy and difficult. If you only rely on your two legs, you will not be able to run back to the capital even if you run down.

"Then, okay." Seeing that even Lu Zixuan said that, Luo Enen could no longer object. One must know that he is the Ninth Prince, if Lu Aochen makes a move, the royal family will be the first to bear the brunt.

Entering Pingsha Pass, they first bought a dozen wildebeest, then found a random inn, and booked a clean courtyard to live in - time was precious, and they didn't have the time to pick and lose weight.

After paying the rent, a group of foodies didn't even order a table of food and wine to feast on like before. After eating some dry food, they hurried back to the room to rest and replenish their strength.

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