Two flowers bloom, each representing a branch.

"My lord, I just received an urgent report that Gu Fenghua and others appeared at Pingsha Pass in Beimo Country." In Xinghua Country, in an old house, a young man dressed in a black robe of a holy master respectfully greeted Lu Aochen. Said.

"As expected, I guessed correctly, they really went to Beimo Country." Lu Aochen said confidently.

"Young master's ingenious calculations, planning thousands of miles away, my subordinates admire!" The man in black said with a look of reverence. He is also one of the more than one dead warrior cultivated by the Lu family, and there are more dead warriors who have been distributed in Xinghua capital.

"What happened next?" Lu Aochen asked.

"Feng Modi's death in battle allowed them to escape from Pingsha Pass. I never expected that their strength would be so strong." The dead man in black hesitated for a moment, then said cautiously.

With Feng Modi's cultivation of the second grade of Xuansheng, he died in the hands of Gu Fenghua and others, and let them escape from Pingsha City. This news is really shocking, and I don't know how angry the young master will be when he hears it .

"Their sword is really powerful. Feng Modi was too careless." To his surprise, when he heard the news of Feng Modi's death, Lu Aochen was not as furious as he had feared, and he was not even surprised at all, just feeling emotional Said.

"My lord, aren't they cultivations in the realm of soul sages? How could they be so powerful?" the dead man in black couldn't help asking.

"They have a set of combined sword skills, and the combination of eight people is powerful. At the beginning, I suffered a big loss if I didn't guard against it for a while." Facing the most loyal dead soldier, Lu Aochen did not hide it, and said frankly. While speaking, there seemed to be bursts of dull pain in the internal organs.

"If there is such a thing, I will immediately inform the people everywhere, and let them be more careful." The black-clothed dead man was shocked and said.

"Wait, don't you think it's strange, such an important matter, why didn't I inform Feng Modi in advance?" Lu Aochen stopped him, and asked if there was any deep meaning.

"My subordinates don't know, please tell me clearly." Hearing this, the dead man in black suddenly remembered that Lu Aochen should have informed Feng Modi of such an important matter earlier, if he had known earlier that Gu Fenghua and others were fencing together With his strength, how could he die in Pingsha Pass?

"With so many people working for me, the so-called profit is nothing more than a word. A master like Feng Modi has long been famous. Fame and wealth can no longer tempt him. The only thing that can tempt him is the rarest treasure of heaven and earth. It's just a panacea. He didn't know the details of Gu Fenghua and others before, but he already opened his mouth like a lion. If he knew, it would be strange not to sit still and raise the price.

The ancestors of my Lu family have worked hard to rule the country and accumulated it from generation to generation to have the current family business, but if everyone raises prices on the ground, even a wealthy country cannot support it. "Lu Aochen said helplessly.

Although the Lu family has accumulated a lot of wealth from generation to generation, but in order to train these dead men and win over the powerful from all sides, the family has long been wasted. Intercepting and killing, the last bit of family wealth is wasted.

This is because those people don't understand the real combat power of Gu Fenghua and others, and the conditions offered are not too high. If they understand, I am afraid that not many people are willing to use them for him. Even if they are willing to obey his orders, the conditions offered are not too high. It's not something he can bear at all.

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