My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1207 Thank you, deeply moved

"Then what should we do?" Lonen looked sad.

Gu Fenghua and the others didn't answer, they thought they would be able to avoid Lu Aochen's people by going back by another route, but they almost lost their lives just after entering the Beimo Kingdom, God knows how many people are still in ambush along the way.

If it's a head-on fight with a clear gun and fire, that's all. With that eight gods' focused sword, even against a strong man like Feng Modi, they are still capable of fighting. In fact, it is impossible for Lu Aochen to win over There are so many strong men like Feng Modi. But others are not stupid, why do you have to fight them head-on, can't you sneak attack and plot, can't you besiege in groups?

After all, their own cultivation bases are still only in the realm of soul sages, and the Ninth Prince has not even reached the realm of soul sages. If they are facing the opponent's endless sneak attacks and plots, no matter how strong Gu Fenghua's spiritual sense is, sooner or later he will miscalculate.

"How about we go back the same way?" Fang Tianyou said.

"Lu Aochen even took precautions in the Beimo Kingdom, how could he not be prepared on the original road, if we return the original road, we may die faster." Ye Wuse directly rejected his proposal.

"Besides, there is not enough time." Xie Youran also shook her head and said.

In order to cross the Gobi, they have already spent three days, and it will take another three days to return to the original road. If they want to bypass Pingsha Pass, they will waste a lot of time. If something unexpected happens, God knows when he will be able to rush back to Xinghua Country.

"Then what should we do?" Fang Tianyou said anxiously.

In fact, this matter has nothing to do with him and Xie Youran, but it is related to the life and death of Gu Fenghua, Lu Zixuan and others' families, but they are equally worried.

"I do know that there is a small road from Beimo Country to Xinghua Country, although it is inevitable to pass through several other countries on the way, but most of them are hidden in the mountains, which should be able to avoid many Lu Aochen's troops. "Song Yu'an said suddenly.

"Xiaolu!" Gu Fenghua and the others looked at Song Yu'an in surprise.

You must know that there are five countries between Beimo Kingdom and Xinghua Kingdom. Among them, there are only one road to go in the large mountains, steep mountains, cliffs and abyss, and it is still rough and difficult, so when they come, they would rather take a detour than useless take the blame. They have never heard that there is actually a small road that can pass through this mountain.

Song Yu'an didn't explain much, and took out a map and placed it in front of him.

This map is nearly ten feet long and wide, and it is the map of Tianji Continent. Between the mountains and mountains between Beimo Kingdom and Xinghua Kingdom, there is indeed a path marked in a very conspicuous blue.

"What are these red dots?" Lonen said, pointing to a few more conspicuous red dots on the path.

"I don't know. I found this map a few days ago when I was sorting out my sister's belongings. She said that she left some things for me. If something happens to her one day, I will let me find it myself." Song Yu'an replied.

"You trust us so much, aren't you afraid that we'll be there first?" Gu Fenghua asked.

Even though Song Yu'an herself didn't know what her elder sister had left for her, anyone could have guessed that with her elder sister's love for her, it must be some kind of extraordinary treasure.

"I believe you won't." Song Yu'an looked directly into Gu Fenghua's eyes, his eyes were so clear.

"Thank you." Gu Fenghua said.

Although it was just two simple words, Song Yu'an still felt deeply moved by Gu Fenghua. Not only Gu Fenghua, but also Luo Enen and others were equally moved: what kind of trust is needed to let Song Yu'an take out this map and hand it over to them without any hesitation!

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