My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1214 It's just the last step

Although relying on the secret path in the mountain, they were lucky to escape countless interceptions, but after all, the secret path is intermittent, so they can't escape every time, and they have gone through more than a dozen fierce fights along the way , which is dangerous, no less than the experience of life and death in the Nether Sand Sea. Coming here, almost everyone is scarred, but their temperament has also been honed to be more calm and cautious than before. Even Lonen has become more careful.

"It seems that the situation at Qingxia Pass is probably the same as at Pingsha Pass." Ye Wuse said.

"Impossible, the guards of the Qingxia pass are the four big families at the border, the Du family headed by it is one of the oldest families in my Xinghua country, and has always been loyal to the royal family. When he was young, he was as famous as Dean Ran, but he was not known to ordinary people because he was indifferent to fame and fortune, how could he be bought by Lu Aochen?" Of course Lin Hanyi understood what Ye Wuse meant, and said in disbelief.

Different from Pingsha Pass, Qingxia Pass has been guarded by the four major families of Border Pass since ancient times. However, over the years, the other three families have gradually declined, and even two have been forgotten, and the other is half dead. The family of the Du family, coupled with the fact that the Patriarch of the Du family, Du Ding Tianxuan, was in the Profound Sage Realm, the Du family can be said to dominate, no matter how you think about it, there is no reason for Lu Aochen to buy it off.

"As long as there are enough interests, there are not many people in this world who will not be moved." Lu Zixuan shook his head and said, obviously denying her words.

"Should we go or not?" Fang Tianyou asked.

"What are you going to do, die?" Luo Enen said angrily. Although Du Tianding has been keeping a low profile all these years, ordinary people may not have heard of his name, but with her background, how could she know nothing about it, and she would never say such big words like killing all the way back.

If Du Tianding was really bought by Lu Aochen, if he wanted to attack them, with his powerful cultivation base and family power, they would not even have a chance to escape, and if they went back, where would they go?

Everyone turned their heads and looked at Gu Fenghua. At this time, only she can make up her mind.

"Actually, it doesn't matter whether Patriarch Du was bribed or not. As long as we have enough strength, even if he really betrays, it's fine. Just kill him as Enen said." Gu Fenghua said lightly.

Everyone rolled their eyes at the same time, isn't this nonsense, if they have enough strength, can they run all the way across the mountains and ridges to hide, wouldn't it be easier for Fang Fang to fight back the same way.

"There are still more than ten days, just in time, we should find a place to practice." Gu Fenghua continued.

Practice! Everyone almost thought that there was something wrong with their ears. In just a dozen days, even if they practiced desperately, plus the good luck bestowed by God, everyone was promoted to a level, what effect would it have?

At this time, I saw Gu Fenghua take out a stone that was so common that it seemed to be picked up anywhere. A strange light flashed, and the stone began to deform slowly, as if it was gradually melting under high temperature. It became round and delicate, and the color also turned golden yellow, like a piece of half-melted amber.

"Jade Liquid Stone!" Luo Enen, Fatty Bai, and Ye Wuse exclaimed in surprise at the same time.

Only then did they realize that the jade liquid stone can be used once a year, and these few days are not exactly the time of the year!


It was still the same old house, although it was located in a remote place, you could still hear the hustle and bustle of traffic outside the courtyard. As the official document of the succession ceremony was spread all over the country, wealthy families from all over the world gathered in the capital of Xinghua, and envoys from various countries received invitations to come to watch the ceremony. The lights on the long street seemed to become more dazzling.

"Any news about Gu Fenghua?" Lu Aochen asked.

In his eyes, there was some excitement that couldn't be concealed. There were still five days before the succession ceremony, and he was one step closer to his great cause dream. Everything was ready, and only the last step was left. However, under the excitement, there was a bit of worry in his eyes that could not be concealed - after Gu Fenghua and his party left Nanshiguan, they disappeared without a trace again and never appeared again.

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