My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1217 He slapped himself in the face

Hearing this sarcasm, the faces of Wu Donghai and others turned red and then pale. They had been guarding against many obstacles along the way, but most of the time they couldn't even find the shadow of Gu Fenghua and others, and finally found out. The whereabouts, and let them break out of the siege every time, it is embarrassing enough to say.

Being ridiculed face to face by the Du family's children, those who had a bad temper immediately wanted to turn their faces, but when they saw Du Tianding's majestic face, all their anger disappeared immediately.

"Boys, let's go!" Ignoring Wu Donghai and the others, Du Tianding got up and left.

But just after taking half a step, he stopped abruptly.

Eight figures, bathed in the golden sunset, are walking towards the pass. Everyone's figure is so tall and straight, and their steps are so firm.

"Gu Fenghua!" Everyone exclaimed at the same time. From the portraits sent by Lu Aochen, they had already seen the faces of Gu Fenghua and others, and some even fought against them on the way, so of course they recognized who it was.

Lu Tianding's old face full of majesty, like Wu Donghai and others before, turned red and white. Just now he said that Gu Fenghua dared to come and wrote the word Du upside down, but he didn't expect that someone else really came, and now he slapped himself in the face.

But fortunately, everyone's attention was on Gu Fenghua and the others, but no one else dared to hit him in the face.

"Let's go together, we must not let them escape this time." Wu Donghai ordered. Everyone around them pulled out their long swords at the same time. They tried their best to intercept and kill Gu Fenghua and others along the way, but every time they were killed by her, everyone felt sullen in their hearts.

"Stop!" Du Tianding yelled loudly, stopped them, and then said with an angry face, "Knowing that my Du family is guarding the Qingxia Pass, I dared to come here to die. I clearly didn't take me Du Tianding seriously. Naturally, I, the Du family, will take the lead, and it's not your turn to do it!"

He slapped himself just now, and he really held back his breath. Qingxia Pass is the territory of his Du family, if Wu Donghai and other outsiders are still required to take action, where will he put his face.

As soon as the words fell, Du Tianding flew down from the tower.

Under the setting sun, an old man with silver hair wearing a battle armor and holding a long knife stood in front of Xiongguan. Eight young saints came towards him. Their long hair was blown by the mountain wind, and their hair was golden. The pattern of light actually has the chilling meaning of thousands of troops fighting against each other.

"Gu Fenghua!" Du Tianding looked at Gu Fenghua in the middle and shouted in a deep voice.

"Junior Gu Fenghua, I have met senior!" Gu Fenghua bowed slightly and saluted.

Luo Enen and the others also gave a slight salute. In any case, Du Tianding is a powerful generation of Xinghua Country. Fenghua and the others were not sure whether he really took refuge in Lu Aochen, or whether there was another reason for him to strictly guard the pass, so before tearing their skins apart, they still maintained the minimum respect for Du Tianding.

"You don't need to be too polite, but speaking of it, I still have some connections with your parents and seniors. For the sake of being polite, as long as you are willing to arrest without a fight, I will protect your life before Lu Aochen." After Fenghua and others saluted, Du Tianding's mood improved a lot, and he waved his hand proudly and said.

Anyway, there are still two days before the grand ceremony of passing on the throne, a big event will come true, and he didn't hide anything.

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