My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1232 The fall of a generation of Mingjun

"Choke..." The two long swords came out of their sheaths at the same time, making a clear cry like a dragon's chant.

Two sword glows swept across the sky like lightning, like a dragon soaring through the sky!

Two blue holy beads appeared between his eyebrows.

Profound Sage Second Rank! Seeing His Majesty's cultivation level, sparks of hope once again flashed in everyone's eyes. Although all the civil and military officials and the heads of the families are highly poisoned, and there are rebel imperial guards watching all around, but as long as His Majesty can defeat Lu Aochen, he can still turn the tide.

The reason why the imperial guards around had the courage to betray His Majesty, besides Lu Aochen's promise of huge profits, must also have a lot to do with his royal family's orthodoxy, as long as Lu Aochen died, how could they have the courage to continue.

What they could think of, of course Mu Qingyun could think of it too, but when he saw the two blue holy beads flickering between His Majesty's eyebrows, his expression didn't change at all, and there was even a trace of sneer.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise like thunder when the sword lights intersected, and the turbulent flow of dust flew up, completely covering up the figures of the two of them.

There was silence all around, and everyone clenched their fists tightly, looking at the stage nervously and expectantly.

The breeze blew past, the dust dispersed, and the figures of the two appeared in front of them again.

Lu Aochen's sword has been sheathed, with his hands behind his back, a contemptuous smile appeared on his face.

On the opposite side, His Majesty was still holding the long sword, standing proudly like an ancient pine tree, but blood was gushing from his heart, and there was no trace of life on his face.

But even if he died, he still did not fall, still like a giant tree, trying to use his last strength to support this country and protect his people from wind and rain.

However, he is still old after all, and the failure of the last breakthrough has already hurt his spirit and greatly reduced his strength.

"Your Majesty..." Great grief welled up in my heart, and countless people wept bitterly.

"Father..." The princes standing behind the Fengchan Terrace also cried in unison.

"Traitor!" The eldest prince who is leading is even more eye-opening, but he is also poisoned, even if he has the heart to perish together, he can't arouse the slightest holy aura at all. Of course, with his cultivation base, even if he is not poisoned, he is not Lu Aochen's opponent at all.

"You traitor, I will kill you to avenge His Majesty!" Suddenly, dozens of figures from the audience flew out at the same time.

All countries in the mainland are based on military force, and there are many masters among the people. These people have all reached the realm of soul sages, the strongest, even the seventh rank of soul sages, but in today's succession ceremony, they didn't carry long swords, and they couldn't exert their strongest combat power at all.

Almost at the same time as they flew out, thousands of long arrows flew out at the same time, among which were mixed with hundreds of sacred arrows.

Without a sword in hand, how could it be possible to resist such a murderous weapon with only flesh and blood? Just a round of volleys, these holy masters shot through their hearts randomly, fell into the sky, and sprinkled a misty blood mist.

Seeing this, all the people around were terrified. Most of them are just ordinary people, even if some of them are not too high, how can they compete with these well-trained guards with giant swords and long bows? What's more, the person headed by the opponent is the descendant of Prince Yuanlong, and even His Majesty died in his hands.

Although everyone was devastated by His Majesty's death, but seeing this bloody scene with their own eyes, they all dared to be angry and did not dare to speak.

"Blocking the car with your arms, you're going to kill yourself!" Lu Aochen didn't even look at them, walked straight up to the Fengchan Terrace, and picked up the Haotian Sword that has been passed down for tens of thousands of years and symbolizes the supreme imperial power.

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