I originally thought that as long as these people were poisoned secretly, they would win. There would always be people who are greedy for life and fear of death, bowing their heads to him. No one succumbed, and even shouted outrageously before dying.

If this continues, it will be even harder for others to bow their heads to him, and even the common people in the audience will develop a heart of resistance. Although he has mastered the imperial guards, not many of them are really devoted to him. Most of them have to obey him because of his coercion and lure. Many people's parents and relatives are imprisoned in that old house Among them, if the hundreds of thousands of people in the city attacked it, the ten thousand forbidden troops in this area would not be able to calm down at all.

"What about you!" Lu Aochen looked at another patriarch of an aristocratic family.

The Patriarch raised his thick eyebrows, his white beard trembled, and he opened his mouth to curse.

However, before he could open his mouth, Lu Aochen had already swung his sword, and in an instant, the head fell to the ground, and a column of blood shot up to the sky.

Lu Aochen has decided that he can't delay any longer, he must force the civil and military officials and the heads of the various families to submit by means of thunder, otherwise even if he has the Haotian Sword in his hand, his success may fall short.

"What about you!" Lu Aochen asked another general.

That person glared at Lu Aochen, and gave him a bad mouthful. The hand is raised, the sword is lowered, and another mist of blood is scattered.

"And you?"

"And you?"

"And you?


In a moment, dozens of corpses fell in a pool of blood. Streams of blood converged into streams, flowing down the tall stone platform.

At some point, the people in the audience raised their heads again and clenched their fists tightly. Their eyes were red with blood, but the fear inside was gradually disappearing, and more of them were grief and anger.

"Master Gu, what about you?" Finally, Lu Aochen came to Gu Tianci.

The prime minister of a country is the head of all the officials. No matter among the officials or the common people, he enjoys a very high prestige. Even the royal family pays more respect. If Gu Tianci is willing to bow his head, the others will be even more It is easy to submit to him, but it is precisely because of his status as the head of a hundred officials that he will not submit easily.

Lu Aochen knew this very well, so he didn't choose Gu Tianci at first, and was going to wait for the others to surrender before convincing him. Of course, there is another purpose in doing this, which is to leave some leeway between Gu Fenghua and herself. With Gu Fenghua's age and cultivation base, her achievements in the future are hard to limit. If she is willing to stay in Xinghua for her own use, she will be able to become herself. If it is a great help, if it is an enemy, sooner or later it will become a serious problem. Therefore, he was not willing to form a blood feud with Gu Fenghua.

It's a pity that he underestimated the courage of the civil and military officials and the heads of the various families, and also underestimated the bloodless princes and princesses who should have been pampered and pampered. After killing so many people, none of them bowed to him.

The more this happened, the more uneasy he felt, and finally pointed the finger at Gu Tianci.

It's best if you can convince him, if you can't, then you can only kill him and show your prestige ruthlessly! Murderous intent flashed in Lu Aochen's eyes.

"At that time, Emperor Tiande and Prince Yuanlong were ambitious and conquered all directions. They extorted violently internally and killed a lot of people externally. In the end, they caused great anger and resentment. The tens of thousands of years of Xinghua Kingdom's foundation were almost destroyed. Fortunately, Emperor Yuanming was wise and powerful. Only by losing the chief culprit, Crown Prince Yuanlong, has Xinghua been kept safe, and today's peaceful and prosperous world has come into being."

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