Lu Aochen didn't answer directly, but took out the Haotian sword, and slowly poured holy energy into it. Immediately, the damaged and broken sword released a dazzling golden light, piercing straight to the nine heavens.

Fang Shibo, Xie Huaiyuan and the others fell silent. Every royal family in the Tianji Continent has a similar founding treasure, which is also a treasure handed down from the royal family. The bloodline can only be opened, and Lu Aochen's identity is not fake at all.

As Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian Dian and an elder, he is certainly no stranger to the war provoked by Emperor Yuande back then. In that war, tens of millions of people died in the flames of war. I don’t know how many families were destroyed. He knew what would happen if the throne fell into the hands of Prince Yuanlong's descendants.

If someone really tried to usurp the throne and they couldn't stop it, they would even prefer that the throne be in the hands of others, rather than in the hands of Lu Aochen, a descendant of the royal family.

However, the secret agreement between the royal families and the temples of various countries cannot be denied, and they really cannot interfere with the royal family affairs.

Mu Qingyun's face showed joy. At the beginning, he still felt strange why the son was all on guard against Gu Fenghua and others, but he had no defense against the temple. It turned out that there were such secret agreements between the royal families of various countries and the temple.

Even the temple is helpless, who can stop their great cause?

"My lord, the elders, I don't need you to worry about the matter of revitalizing the royal family. Please go back and visit me after I settle down the civil strife." Lu Aochen said confidently to the other people at the Expo.

Today, he can't be too disrespectful to the temple, but sooner or later, like his ancestors, he will step on the head of the temple and make them bow down—his ambition is far stronger than that of Emperor Tiande back then. Much bigger.

"The temple can't interfere, what about us?" At this moment, eight young people walked side by side towards the Fengchan platform.

Gu Fenghua, why did she come here? Why didn't she receive any news before! Seeing the girl in the lead, Lu Aochen's heart sank suddenly.

"Gu Fenghua, it's Gu Fenghua!" All the people in the audience exclaimed, and soon, hope appeared in their already desperate eyes.

"And Lonen!"

"Ye Wushi!"

"Jun Lansheng!"

"Lin Hanyi!"

"Your Highness, that is His Royal Highness Ninth Prince!"

"They are back, they are the ones who are back, we are saved, and we Xinghua are saved!" There were bursts of cheers from the crowd.

Since the Ten Directions Ceremony, several young people headed by Gu Fenghua have become famous in Xinghua. They are the ones who, when Zhang Haoran, Han Qingwen and others were defeated one after another, and even Qiu Mingxuan fled without a fight, they used their blood to bring victories one after another, and finally defeated Guanghua Kingdom, won the ten-party ceremony, and won the victory for Xinghua Kingdom. Another century of prosperity.

But today, all civil and military officials and the heads of the various families are poisoned, and there is no strong person who can contend with Lu Aochen. Facing the battle between the royal family, even the Xinghua Temple is powerless. That way, when they were dragged into the abyss by Lu Aochen, they came back! At this moment, only they can save Xinghua!

Amidst the cheers, everyone stood up and straightened their backs. Gu Fenghua's return brought them hope and courage.

Mu Qingyun's face darkened, and he raised his arms. All around, thousands of archers tightened their bowstrings, and their sharp arrows pointed at Gu Fenghua and his party at the same time.

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