My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1241 Everyone's eyes widened

Of course, she wouldn't trust a despicable and shameless person like Lu Aochen who would use any means to achieve his goals. If he loses, who can guarantee that he won't jump over the wall in a hurry to harm his grandfather and others?

"As you wish." Lu Aochen winked at Mu Qingyun, who backed up a few steps, and those dead soldiers who were holding spears and swords against Gu Tianci's vital organs also backed up.

Seeing this, not only Luo Enen and others were surprised, even Gu Fenghua was a little surprised. Could it be that Lu Aochen thought that he had won the throne, and even changed his temperament, and he really started talking about Junwu jokes.

"Come on!" Lu Aochen stepped back a few steps, and slowly drew out his long sword.

Anyway, they couldn't figure it out, so Gu Fenghua and the others didn't bother to think about it. They looked at each other, put away their distracting thoughts, and focused on staying calm.

"Gu Fenghua, come on, kill this traitor!"

"For the sake of Xinghua's peace, and for the sake of the common people in the world, Xinghua must not fall into the hands of this traitor!"

"Kill him, kill him!"

Under the stage, all the people shouted in unison, earth-shattering.

Gu Fenghua's heart was peaceful, and there was no wave in the ancient well.

It stands to reason that with their current cultivation, even if they can't maximize the power of Yashen's concentrated sword, they should be able to beat Lu Aochen. But don't forget the secret of Xinghua royal family's Nine Breaks of Huangji, only by exerting the eight spirits to the extreme can they be sure of victory.

Time seemed to stand still at this moment, and their hearts and minds seemed to merge together, and the wonderful rhythm gushed out again between the heaven and the earth.

"One sword, shocking the world!" With Gu Fenghua's clear shout, eight sword lights were cut out at the same time, giving people the feeling that they were all in one.

In the blink of an eye, sword beams slashed in front of Lu Aochen, converging and condensing, the light distorted, as if the space was torn apart by this sword.

Seeing the power of this sword, the shouts from the audience were even more like thunder.

Gu Fenghua was still a little nervous at first, but she finally relaxed. This sword, as she wished, exerted the power of Yashen's concentration to the extreme, even if Lu Aochen used Huangji Nine Breaks, it would be difficult to resist.

Seeing Lu Aochen covered by the sword light, Gu Fenghua showed a smile on his face, but immediately, her smile froze.

A golden light emerged, and a huge ancient clock stood in front of Lu Aochen.

"Om!" Gu Fenghua and the others exerted their sword to the extreme, and the eight gods slashed on the ancient clock, making a long buzzing sound, but the ancient clock covered in gold was not damaged at all.

"Quick back!" Gu Fenghua did not expect that the ancient clock brought out by Lu Aochen from Luankong Mountain would have such a strong defense, he was shocked and immediately backed away.

Luo Enen and the others cooperated tacitly, and before she finished speaking, they flew back.

Their movements were not unpleasant, but Lu Aochen's speed was even faster. He quickly made a handprint, and the ancient clock flew up, and at the same time it continued to expand.

"Boom!" In the muffled sound, a huge golden bell with a height of more than two feet fell from the sky, covering Gu Fenghua and others in it.

The cheers from the audience stopped abruptly, and everyone stared wide-eyed, watching this scene in disbelief.

"Hahahaha, I never thought that my Wuyin Chijinzhong would have such a magical effect!" Lu Aochen laughed loudly.

"Wuyin Chijinzhong, this is Wuyin Chijinzhong!" There was an exclamation from the audience.

In Tianji Continent, there are many legends about divine artifacts, such as splitting the sky and splitting the earth, moving mountains and seas, reversing the universe, and shattering the void. In short, every divine artifact has the power to defy the sky in the legend. The Wuyin Chi Jinzhong is one of the many artifacts.

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