Seeing Lu Aochen being sent flying with a sword, everyone raised their heads abruptly, mouths from ear to ear in shock.

Knowing the origin of the Wuyin Chijinzhong, even Gu Tianci, who trusted his precious granddaughter the most, thought that they would not be able to recover this time, and even he was in despair. Who knew, after the Shifang Ceremony, they would actually Created a miracle again, not only escaped from Wuyin Chijinzhong's imprisonment, but also dealt such a heavy blow to Lu Aochen.

A deep sword mark stretched from Lu Aochen's shoulder to his ribs. Although his strength is indeed very strong, how can he resist the long-prepared joint sword of Gu Fenghua and others when he is caught off guard? Blood gushed out, Lu Aochen pressed his hands on his chest, his eyes were full of surprise.

Everyone looked at the huge golden clock at the same time. The trembling had stopped, and the golden clock was rapidly shrinking. A little bear cub with shiny black hair was lying on the clock, opening its mouth to swallow. Bite down in one bite.

"Ka...Ka...Ka...Ka... Goo!" The divine weapon recorded in the history books, which is hard to break through and can restrain and trap demons, was devoured mouthful by mouthful.

There was silence in the surrounding area, and it became even quieter now. Everyone watched this scene dully, and their throats rolled along with it, making a gurgling sound.

Gu Fenghua and the others were equally surprised, but of course it wasn't the little bear cub who surprised them - they have been cute for a long time, so there is nothing to be surprised about, what surprised them was Lu Aochen.

They had prepared this sword for a long time, and as they had imagined, it caught Lu Aochen by surprise. According to their previous expectations, with Gu Fenghua's cultivation base that had already reached the realm of Profound Sage, and with their ninth-rank soul saint With his cultivation base and the power of the eight gods' concentrated sword, he would definitely be able to kill Lu Aochen with a single strike, and even turn him into nothingness, but he never thought that this would not be able to kill him.

The gazes of Lu Aochen and the others stayed on Little Bear Cub, while the gazes of Gu Fenghua and the others rested on the dragon robe on his body. Obviously, this is an extremely powerful magic weapon.

However, although this dragon robe saved Lu Aochen's life, it was cut through by a sword. Of course, Gu Fenghua and others would not miss the opportunity, and immediately attacked Lu Aochen again.

"My lord, be careful!" Seeing this, Mu Qingyun turned pale with shock, and jumped out, trying to block Lu Aochen.

According to Lu Aochen, those who achieve great things don't care about small things. At a time like this, he doesn't care about betting or not.

"Gu Tianci!" At this moment, Lu Aochen shouted and rushed towards Gu Tianci.

Mu Qingyun wakes up like a dream, his cultivation is also the first rank of Profound Sage, with Gu Fenghua and others' powerful combat power, he can't resist at all, rushing up is just to die, but as long as Gu Tianci is in his hands, he is not afraid that they will not fight. bow your head.

After all, he is a powerhouse of the first grade of Xuansheng, Mu Qingyun turned on his toes and rushed towards Gu Tianci, his speed was even faster than Lu Aochen who was seriously injured.

The reaction of those Lu family dead men was not slow, and they quickly surrounded Gu Tianci and other civil and military officials and the heads of the various families.

"Despicable!" Gu Fenghua and others cursed secretly.

Panicked, anyone else would have to run for their lives first, but Lu Aochen remained sober, still so despicable and shameless, knowing that as long as Gu Tianci and others were in his hands, he still had a chance to turn things around.

This man, in a sense, is indeed a character.

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