My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1252 Killing the decisive Ninth Prince

At this moment, a voice sounded.

"His Royal Highness!"

"His Royal Highness!" The eldest prince and other princesses came over surrounded by a group of Patriarchs.

"Princes, Your Highness, what should I do with this person?" Everyone asked in unison.

Although they were asking about the princes and princesses, their gazes were all fixed on the eldest prince. His Majesty died in Fengchantai before he could announce the successor. Speaking of which, all princes have the chance to inherit the throne, but Generally speaking, it is still passed on to the elders but not to the young, and not to the concubines.

"You can't kill me. I am the descendant of the Yuanlong lineage, and I am also of the royal bloodline. Back then, your Yuanming lineage assassinated my Yuanlong ancestors to usurp the throne. I killed your father just to avenge the ancestors. It is only right and proper. Moreover, I am the last descendant of the Yuanlong lineage, and you can't kill me!" Lu Aochen gritted his teeth and stood up, and said to Lu Aochen proudly.

Lu Aochen frowned slightly. Seeing his father die under Lu Aochen's sword with his own eyes, he hated Lu Aochen to the bone. However, the royal family fighting each other is originally a taboo for the royal families of all countries in the Tianji Continent. Even if they want to kill, at least they cannot fall into the hands of outsiders. in the eyes.

Back then when Emperor Yuanming assassinated Prince Yuanlong to seize the throne, his father had already admitted it. Speaking of it, Lu Aochen was the orthodox emperor, and even his killing of his father could be regarded as being fair. Even if he could not hand over the throne to Lu Aochen for the sake of prosperity and the safety of the people, but if he killed him like this, it would indeed be unreasonable.

As the prince of a country, he has too much to consider.

"Or, let him..." The eldest prince said after pondering for a long time.

The faces of the people around changed, they all knew the eldest prince's benevolent character, hearing this, he actually wanted to let Lu Aochen live!

Even though Lu Aochen's cultivation base has been completely abolished, but after seeing his cruelty and ruthlessness, the people are not willing to go back to the mountain, even if he is imprisoned in the sky prison and never see the light of day, they are not at ease. The only way to rest assured is to completely eradicate this person.

"Your Highness!" Immediately, Gu Tianci and the others stepped forward to persuade the First Prince to change his mind.

"Hey!" Before they could speak, a long sword suddenly pierced Lu Aochen's heart.

"You, really kill me. I am the last descendant of the Yuanlong lineage. Your Yuanming lineage is not in the right place. You shouldn't..." Lu Aochen looked at Lu Zixuan who was holding the sword hilt in disbelief, before finishing his sentence , just crooked his neck, and died on the spot.

Until his death, his eyes were full of unwillingness and bewilderment. Yuanlong's lineage is not in the right place, shouldn't he be ashamed of the world and his Yuanlong lineage? Why, he would make a move, why, he wouldn't even give himself the chance to live?

"At the beginning, my Yuan Ming ancestor assassinated your Yuan Long ancestor for the sake of prosperity and the peace of the world. Today, I kill you for the sake of the prosperity of the country and the peace of the world. Therefore, my Yuan Ming lineage has no regrets. Worthy of the world!" Lu Zixuan said loudly, and gave Lu Aochen an answer.

Of course, he never heard the answer again. With Lu Aochen's death, Yuanlong's lineage has no descendants, and it will disappear forever in the long river of history.

No one expected that Lu Zixuan would be so decisive. Everyone was stunned, and no one spoke for a long time.

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