"Fenghua, we have not finished the journey, you must go on well, I believe, you will definitely become the top experts in Wuji Shengtian!" Lu Zixuan said to Gu Fenghua.

"En." Gu Fenghua, Luo Enen and others nodded vigorously.

Lu Zixuan took a deep breath, and finally took a deep look at Gu Fenghua, as if he wanted to engrave her in his heart forever. Then he turned his head resolutely and walked towards the solemn inner palace. Step by step, he never looked back.

His back is a bit bleak and lonely, but he is so tall and straight, and his steps are also so steady.

From now on, he will use his shoulders to carry the entire Xinghua!

Lin Hanyi also bid farewell to everyone with tears in her eyes, then turned her head and chased after them. From then on, she is Xinghua's guardian, assisting the Ninth Prince to protect Xinghua!

"We should go too." Watching Lu Zixuan and Lin Hanyi leave, Ye Wuse stood up.

"Where are you going?" Fang Tianyou asked. Anyway, soon he and Gu Fenghua and others will go to Wuji Holy Heaven together, so he and Xie Youran didn't rush back to the temple, but stayed behind.

"I'm going to Fangshi." Luo Enen gave the answer directly without thinking.

After leaving this time, I don't know when I will be able to come back. If I don't buy as much as I want, I won't be the eldest lady of the Luo family.

"I'll go too. The book I bought last time was almost ruined. I'll buy a little more this time." Ye Wuse said, raising the "Shen Gong Kai Wu" in his hand.

"Go to Shixiangju at noon, go to Baiweizhai in the evening, go to Xiangmanlou at noon tomorrow, and go in the evening..." The fat man wrung his fingers, no matter how he calculated, it seemed impossible to eat all the delicacies in the capital in three days, his brows were furrowed Together.

"Then you go, I'll go home to accompany my grandfather and Zihan." Gu Fenghua didn't hesitate at all.

At this time, what she wants most is to accompany her grandfather and son Han to enjoy the family affection. As for the food, just let the servants prepare it. She is not a foodie like the white fat man—well, when she thought about it this way, Miss Gu Jiawu didn't realize it at all I realized that my skin is actually quite thick.


"Fenghua, eat more, this is your favorite braised pork."

"And this steamed elbow with sesame seeds, you can't eat it even if you want to leave the capital."

"By the way, this snow pea pig's trotter, eat more nourishing and beautifying, and see how thin you have become."


Looking at the hills of this kind of meat and that kind of meat in the bowl, Gu Fenghua smiled wryly—this is already the third bowl, and she was a little worried, if she continued to eat like this, would anyone recognize who she was after three days? .

Next to him, Gu Zihan had a gloating expression on his face, and almost laughed out loud.

"Zihan, you should eat more too. It's so delicious that you can only eat it in the capital of Jinghua. You don't want to be born in a state of blessings and not know your blessings." Gu Fenghua rolled his eyes and flew his chopsticks towards Gu Zihan's bowl. With meat in it, he said earnestly.

"Yes, yes, the most important thing in the way of cultivation is to lay a good foundation, and the body must keep up. The reason why your sister can achieve today's cultivation is that she has a good foundation. When she was five years old, she had a good foundation. I can eat three bowls." Only then did Gu Tianci realize that he had neglected his little grandson, so he hurried to make up for it, and said complacently while following Gu Zihan's bowl with meat.

Several black lines stood up on Gu Fenghua's forehead: When I was a child, was I really so edible? Exaggeration, it must be exaggeration!

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