My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1260 It's a pleasure to meet you in this life

Gu Fenghua and the others didn't see that when they turned to leave, Lu Zixuan's figure appeared on the high city wall.

Lu Zixuan stood quietly on the city wall, looking at those figures in the distance, his gaze was filled with reluctance, confusion, and finally relief and blessing.

"Fenghua, Fenghua...Peerless Fenghua, flourishing Fenghua. In this life, I am very glad to meet you. In this life, I am very glad to have been with you. May your future life be smooth and safe." Lu Zixuan said in a voice that only he could hear, whisper softly.


The distance from Xinghua Capital to the holy temple is not close, but Gu Fenghua and others have made great progress in their cultivation, and their speed is much faster than before. They traveled all the way with lightning speed, and finally arrived at the holy temple on the last day of the deadline.

"It's here, it's finally here." Fang Shibo and others had been waiting for a long time, and when they arrived, they hurriedly led them towards the temple.

In the middle of the main hall, eight ancient stone pillars emit five-color rays of light, and the strange lights respond to each other, presenting a wonderful array of splendor. This is obviously the teleportation formation leading to the Everlasting Heaven.

"Father..." Coming to the front of the formation, Fang Tianyou took a few steps forward, then stopped again, with tears in his eyes, he looked at Fang Shibo reluctantly.

"God Bless, you didn't let me down, you are my pride." Fang Shibo patted his son's shoulder with tears in his eyes.

Fang Tianyou's tears finally came out of his eyes, and he hugged his father tightly.

"Grandfather, I'm leaving, you have to take care of yourself." Beside, Xie Youran also said goodbye to Xie Huaiyuan with sobs.

Xie Huaiyuan didn't say a word, but patted Xie Youran's shoulder heavily.

"This is the notes made by the master of the temple when he went to Wuji Holy Heaven. I copied a few copies. Take them and read them carefully, so as not to know anything after you get them." After a while, Fang Shibo pushed Fang away. God bless, take out some notes and give them to Gu Fenghua and others.

"Thank you uncle." Gu Fenghua and the others took the notes and said gratefully.

"Actually, most of what is recorded in this note is the hearsay of the lord of the temple. You don't have to take it too seriously, just have a little impression. Someone from Wuji Shengtian will come to pick you up in the future, so there should be nothing to worry about." Fang Shibo continued. Added a sentence.

"By the way, Uncle, I have also prepared some gifts for you, and I hope you can accept them." Luo Enen suddenly said to Fang Shibo.

Hearing her words, Fang Shibo trembled unconsciously, and lifted his belt subconsciously.

"No need, no need, you should keep it for yourself, as long as you have this kind of intention." Fang Shibo forced a smile and said.

"But it took me a long time to choose the right one. If you don't want it, uncle, it would be a waste." Luo Enen said disappointedly.

"Just keep it for yourself. When you arrive at Wuji Shengtian, you will have to exchange favors with others. Then you will find someone to give it to you." Fang Shibo resisted the urge to go crazy, and said in a gentle tone as much as possible. I don't know why, but when he heard that Luo Enen and the others were giving presents, he tightened his ass, and then wanted to go crazy.

"Okay." Seeing his resolute refusal, Luo Enen had no choice but to take back the prepared gift.

Fatty Bai and Ye Wuse had prepared presents, but when they saw this, they couldn't even open their mouths, so they honestly took the presents back.

"Wait, nephew Wu Se, what are you going to give me?" Fang Shibo asked suddenly, thinking of something.

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