Jiang Li continued to quickly sort the herbs, Gu Fenghua looked at them, she knew many herbs, they were all low-level herbs, not very valuable. But seeing Jiang Li's careful sorting, he knew that these herbs should be more precious to them.

Jiang Li's strength, Gu Fenghua felt, should be about the same as his current self, both of which were first-rank Soul Sages. But Lang Zhuyue has not yet reached the Dharma Saint, and is only a Fighting Saint. But at such a young age, he is already a Dou Sheng. Can it be said that this place is worthy of the Wuji Holy Heaven?

Jiang Li quickly packed up the herbs, then turned her head to look at Gu Fenghua and Lang Zhuyue, walked over and said with a smile, "Are you hungry, I'll cook right now."

"Brother, it's all useless to me. Originally, Elder Zhang gave me two chicken legs, but they were snatched by those little bastards." Lang Zhuyue said angrily at this time, "They are despicable, if one by one Not my opponent at all, they beat me one out of five."

Jiang Li looked at Lang Zhuyue with an angry face, then sighed softly, and touched Lang Zhuyue's head: "It's useless to be a brother, after the master is gone..."

Jiang Li didn't say the latter words, but Gu Fenghua had already guessed what the latter words meant. This summit should be supported by the three masters and apprentices. As a result, after the death of the master, life became more and more difficult, and they were squeezed out and bullied by other summits.

Dinner is half a bowl of rice and two side dishes, which is really shabby. But for Gu Fenghua who has become a child now, it is completely enough. Although the side dishes are all vegetarian dishes, they taste pretty good. It can be seen that Jiang Li has worked hard. Although it was very shabby, Gu Fenghua didn't dare to take out anything rashly. Decided to take a look first.

Jiang Li let Gu Fenghua sleep in Lang Zhuyue's room, and let Lang Zhuyue sleep with him. He planned to go early the next morning and ask if someone came to Feitianzong yesterday and lost his child. But this may not feel right to him, because if the child is lost, he may have already notified the sect to help find it.

Gu Fenghua didn't feel sleepy at all at night.

He suddenly turned into a child, his strength also dropped, Yao Chong and Gui Yezi lost their voices. What is the reason for all this? Gu Fenghua couldn't figure it out. What should I do next? I don't know how Lonen and the others are doing now. At that time, I hurriedly pushed them out and avoided the danger, but I didn't know where they would land in the end, or if they would all disperse.

Gu Fenghua thought that he would not be able to fall asleep, but in the end, he soon fell asleep with his head tilted.

When I woke up in the morning, it was already dawn. Alas, the child's body really couldn't bear it, remembering that he fell asleep directly last night, Gu Fenghua sighed helplessly.

Outside the house, it was the voices of Jiang Li and Lang Zhuyue talking.

"Brother, where are you going?" Lang Zhuyue's voice was still hazy.

"I'm going to ask the elder if there are any guests coming recently, and if any children have been lost." Jiang Li said in a low voice, and then ordered, "After a while, you will wash her face, hello Does she know that she has breakfast? Brother will be back in a while."

"Ah, senior brother, are you going to send my sister away? No, no! Let my sister stay, okay?" Lang Zhuyue became anxious when she heard this, and held on to Jiang Li's clothes.

When Gu Fenghua heard this, he felt a little bit choked up again. Asking a six or seven-year-old child to wash her face and feed her...how embarrassing is it? !

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