My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1274 childish heart is especially valuable

When Jiang Li saw a group of children chattering around Gu Fenghua, he was taken aback for a moment. Then he calmed down, and when he calmed down and looked at a group of children looking at Gu Fenghua with sparkling eyes, he became proud again. Look, how cute and likable my little junior sister is.

But when he saw the things in their hands, his face changed, and he frowned and asked sternly: "Are you going to the back mountain?"

The little kids shrank their necks and dared not speak, Lang Zhuyue took a step forward to block Gu Fenghua behind, and said loudly, "I took the junior sister there, it's none of the junior sister's business." .”

Jiang Li laughed angrily: "I haven't counted it yet, your voice is louder than mine."

"Brother, we are on the edge, we didn't go in. These are the fish and rabbits we caught, let's eat these tonight." Gu Fenghua looked at Lang Zhuyue's protection of her, and felt warm in his heart. A childish heart is especially valuable.

"Remember, don't go deep into the back mountain. Be careful on the edge." Jiang Li looked at Gu Fenghua's chubby little face, and it took a lot of effort not to go forward to pinch it.

"Remember, brother, don't worry." Gu Fenghua replied with a smile and squinted eyes.

Gu Fenghua cooked grilled fish and rabbits. Originally, Jiang Li was afraid that Gu Fenghua would not be able to cook them, but when he saw her skillfully grilling those fish and rabbits, he shut his mouth. Feeling a little sad, I started thinking again. Xiao Fenghua has no father and no mother. Her brothers are too busy with their livelihood to take care of her. That's why the five-year-old is so proficient at cooking.

The seasonings are all from the kitchen, although they are not as complete as Gu Fenghua's own storage bracelet, but under Gu Fenghua's baking, five points can exert a very good effect. Naturally, the little kids who ate this meal were satisfied. Even Jiang Li was amazed. Can this barbecue be so delicious?

After eating, Jiang Li told the little kids to go back quickly. Seeing the little kids leaving reluctantly, Jiang Li wanted to roll her eyes. This group of little bastards, what should people really say?

After everyone had left, Jiang Li asked Lang Zhuyue and Gu Fenghua with a serious face: "Did you practice obediently today? Xiao Fenghua remember to ask senior brother if you don't understand anything."

"I practiced seriously." Lang Zhuyue nodded vigorously. When I wake up in the morning, I practice swords first.

Gu Fenghua also nodded. Although Fei Tianzong's cheats are not good, it seems to have his unique features, and it can also play a role in inferences.

"That's good, we have to practice hard every day. We can also participate in the sect competition this year." Jiang Li said.

"Ah, can we participate? Then we don't have to be at the bottom?" Lang Zhuyue cheered.

"No, it's still at the bottom." Jiang Li said expressionlessly. He never counted Gu Fenghua in his combat power.

"What kind of competition is it?" Gu Fenghua couldn't help but want to cover his face when he heard his childish voice.

"Well, our sect holds a competition every two years. Those who win can get some cultivation resources. But only three people sign up. We can also go and see this year. They are all disciples in the sect, and no one will hurt As for the killer, just click it." Jiang Li patiently explained, "In the past, we were always the last one, but we will also be allocated a small amount of training resources, but it is far less than the first place."

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