My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1290 Why did it become like this

Gu Fenghua didn't know how important this elixir was to Fei Tianzong, she only knew that this elixir could be refined, but she needed some time to deliberate and practice.

Therefore, Gu Fenghua climbed down from the stool and said, "I'm a little hungry. Can I think about it while eating first?"

"Yes, absolutely. Let's go, Uncle Master will take you to eat first, and I will have someone make it for you if you want to eat." He Jinshui stepped forward to hold Gu Fenghua's hand, and said with a smile.

Gu Fenghua turned to Surfing Zhuyue and waved, Lang Zhuyue grinned, stepped forward, held Gu Fenghua's hand, and walked away together.

Brother Liu and Jiang Li stood behind, looking at each other.

"My junior sister, didn't I come to learn alchemy from my uncle?" Jiang Li asked in a daze.

"Yes!" Senior Brother Liu patted his thigh, "Didn't your little junior sister come here today to learn alchemy from my master? How did it become like this?"

Senior Brother Qu stood up, looked at the two silently, passed them, and walked out.

Several other disciples who had been watching also went out with strange expressions. What is going on today?

He Jinshui didn't care about the reaction of the group of disciples behind him, but took Gu Fenghua to his house. It's in the side hall next to it. After ordering someone to serve tea, he realized that Xiao Fenghua was still a child, so he asked someone to replace it with honey water and served cakes.

He Jinshui felt his heart melt when he saw the two little cheeks eating like little hamsters.

"Eat slowly, you can take it home if you can't finish it. By the way, I asked the kitchen to prepare more braised chicken legs for you, and you can take it back."

"Thank you uncle." Gu Fenghua and Lang Zhuyue thanked each other.

"No thanks, no thanks, if you can really refine this elixir, I should thank you, let alone, even the Suzerain should also thank you." He Jinshui said with some emotion and expectation.

"Is this elixir important to the sect?" Gu Fenghua put down the snack in his hand and looked up at He Jinshui.

"It's very important!" He Jinshui's expression became serious, and then he didn't care whether the five-year-old child in front of him could understand or not, and started to talk, maybe, he just wanted to express some worries, not to tell Gu Fenghua.

"Our Feitian sect is in danger now. Wuji Shengtian has a vast territory, and there are countless sects. The sects are divided into upper, middle and lower ranks. According to the ancestors, our sect was the top rank a long time ago, but I have no chance to see it.

When I was young, the Feitian Sect was still a low-rank sect, but it declined further and further, and now it is even difficult to judge a low-rank sect.

In the selection at the end of this year, it was very hopeful to become a low-rank sect, but Qiao Feiyu, who was the main force, was seriously injured some time ago and has not recovered yet. His injury required this Qingling Jade Soul Pill.

If Qiao Feiyu recovers, plus a few other disciples, we will be able to evaluate the low-rank sect this year. But at this critical moment, Qiao Feiyu was seriously injured. The suzerain has been trying to suppress his injuries during this time.

Only those who are rated as low-rank sects are eligible to participate in some grand events held by some middle-rank sects. Even if they discover the secret realm, they will be given places according to their rank. "

Gu Fenghua understood it, that is to say, there are countless sects in Wuji Shengtian, which are divided into upper, middle and lower ranks. Resources are allocated by rank. There is a reason for people to go to high places. If they don't fight for it, they will only decline more and more.

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