My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1303 Young Master, Young Master...

"How many of our sect's disciples were picked?" Gu Fenghua asked Jiang Li casually after he walked into the Book Pavilion.

"Ninety percent." Jiang Li's answer almost made Gu Fenghua stagger and fall.

Ninety percent of the disciples are picked up from outside...

Is this the main source of Feitianzong disciples? It was so low that no one came to ask for a teacher, and the disciples all depended on picking them up. Inexplicably sad...

Gu Fenghua started to flip through the books. There are five floors in the bookstore. Gu Fenghua picked up the books on the first floor and flipped through them. They were all basic secret books.

"Which book do you want to read?" Jiang Li asked.

"I want to read about the history of Feitian Sect and some miscellaneous news about Wuji Shengtian." Gu Fenghua put the book back in his hand.

"Then let's go to the third and fifth floors. The third floor is miscellaneous news, and the fifth floor is the records about our sect." Jiang Li replied.

"Okay." Gu Fenghua went to the fifth floor with his thick legs.

Jiang Li followed behind, listening to her running ding ding dong dong, and shouted worriedly from behind: "Slow down, slow down, if you roll down, I'm afraid I won't be able to catch you."

Gu Fenghua almost stepped on the ground, turned his head and glared at Jiang Li: "Brother, do you dislike me for being fat?"

"No, no, little junior sister looks good when she is chubby." Jiang Li chuckled.

This narrow-minded ghost!

Gu Fenghua rolled his eyes and continued to go upstairs, but now he slowed down.

When he was flipping through the book on the fifth floor, Gu Fenghua couldn't help but ask Jiang Li: "Brother, what monsters are there in the back mountain?"

"Actually, I don't know, but according to what Master said, that monster is actually the guardian beast of our Feitian Sect. It's just that it didn't move for some reason. I'll find a book for you, there should be a record of this. But , I probably won’t remember it in detail.” Jiang Li actually didn’t know anything about the monsters in the back mountain, it was all passed down from generation to generation by members of the Feitian Sect.

Gu Fenghua didn't know why he cared so much about the back mountain. I still remember the red color everywhere, as if engraved in my heart.

I found the book recording Feitianzong, but as Jiang Li said, there is no detailed record. There is no written record of any monsters in the back mountain.

Gu Fenghua had no choice but to give up, and then read other books. I have a deeper understanding of the Feitianzong sect. After understanding, I was even more shocked in my heart. It turns out that the Feitian Sect was so prominent and famous tens of thousands of years ago.

But, why did it not end up like this?


At night, Gu Fenghua had a dream, she seemed to come to a place full of red.

A voice called her softly.

"Young master, come here, come here... Please come here." The voice was gentle, with infinite expectations.

"Who are you?" Gu Fenghua whispered.

"My time is running out, young master, please come here..." The voice did not answer her question, but kept calling.

"Where are you going? Where?" Gu Fenghua asked eagerly. She could feel that this voice did not mean any malice to her, but it made her feel very kind.

"Come here, here... Young Master, please hurry up." The gentle voice sounded again.

"Where?!" Gu Fenghua stood up suddenly, but felt cold sweat on his forehead. Through the moonlight outside the window, she could see clearly that there were a few red leaves on her quilt, which were exactly the same as the red leaves in the back mountain.

Yes, who is calling yourself?

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