My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1308 The little fox who asks three questions and knows nothing

After breakfast, Jiang Li urged Lang Zhuyue to practice the sword, Gu Fenghua hugged Jiaoju and sat on the edge of the corridor under the eaves to watch. Jiang Li's teaching has always been that boys should endure hardships and girls should be pampered. She felt that Gu Fenghua was still young, before she was six years old, she practiced sword if she wanted to, and played if she didn't want to practice.

Gu Fenghua is communicating with Jiaojuju in his mind at the moment.

"Juju, why did your mother call me Young Master?" Gu Fenghua had too many questions in his mind.

"I don't know." The little fox replied coquettishly.

"Then what monsters are you?" Gu Fenghua asked again.

"I don't know." The little fox replied coquettishly.

"Then have you always lived in the back mountain? How old is your mother, and how old are you?"

"I don't know." After the little fox answered, he saw a butterfly flying in front of him, so he jumped out of Gu Fenghua's arms and went to catch the butterfly.

Gu Fenghua watched the fiery red little fox jump up and grab the butterfly with its paws, let it go after catching it, and jump up and catch it again. The frightened butterfly flapped its wings and flew to high places desperately.

Gu Fenghua could see it, Juju didn't know anything. Or rather, her mother didn't tell her anything.

"Mother said that she has been waiting for you. Finally, she waited for you." Ju Ju ran over with a piece of green grass in her mouth, sat next to Gu Fenghua, and started playing with the green grass.

Gu Fenghua's heart moved, and he asked, "What else did your mother say?"

"Let me listen to you obediently. Reappear my clan Hui when I grow up, Hui Fang?" Jiao Ju tilted her head and said uncertainly.

"To reproduce the glory of our clan?" Gu Fenghua corrected.

"That's right, master, you are really amazing, brilliant!" Jiao Juju nodded happily, then turned her head and concentrated on digging the green grass with her claws. Obviously Jiaojuju didn't know what this sentence meant at all, but just remembered what her mother said.

"Did your mother say anything else?"

"Not anymore. Ah, and tell Juju not to be picky about food." Jiaoju thought for a while and said with certainty. "No, that's all. I sleep the rest of the time."

Gu Fenghua understood that the huge fox didn't talk too much to Jiaoju, he didn't even explain what their clan was, and he didn't tell Juju who the young master she was talking about was. This must be done to protect her child. Some things, the less you know, the better. Just let her grow up happily.

Not long after Lang Zhuyue finished practicing, He Jinshui came.

"Little fat girl, hey, did you pick up a fox to raise? It's so fat, just like you." He Jinshui said with a smile.

"It's just hairy, not fat." Gu Fenghua rolled his eyes at He Jinshui, this fat old man is fat himself, so he wished everyone was as fat.

"Yes, it's just that there are too many hairs." He Jinshui smiled, and sat down on the edge of the wooden corridor, and the wooden boards creaked.

"Uncle Master, what's the matter?" Jiang Li came over, poured He Jinshui a cup of tea and asked.

"Hahahaha, I, I came here to ask Xiao Fenghua about alchemy." When He Jinshui said this, he was a little embarrassed, "However, I am learning your alchemy, which is also known as being dishonest. How about, Xiao Fenghua, I worship you as my teacher?"

The teapot in Jiang Li's hand almost fell directly on He Jinshui's head, but luckily he held it steady in time.

"Appreciate me as a teacher?" Gu Fenghua turned his head to look at He Jinshui, "Is this not good? The seniority is messed up."

No, then what is my name, Junior Sister? Jiang Li's mouth twitched.

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