My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1313 Little Fat Girls Are Cute

Gu Fenghua stepped forward to pick up Jiaojuju, stroked the dull hair on its head, and asked softly: "What exactly is it? Where is it placed, does Juju know?"

"I know, it's in a very deep place." Ju Ju enjoyed being touched on the head by Gu Fenghua very much, and adjusted her posture up and down, left and right, and let Gu Fenghua touch it.

"A very deep place?" Gu Fenghua looked towards the direction of the back mountain, "Is it under Zhudan Mountain?"

"No. It's under the highest place." Juju squinted his eyes, almost falling asleep under Gu Fenghua's touch.

"The highest place?" Gu Fenghua looked up.

The highest place of Feitianzong is the mountain peak in the main hall, Chongtian Peak. Could it be that the big fox buried something under Chongtian Peak?

"Is it there?" Gu Fenghua held up the living room and let it look at Chongtian Peak.

"I don't know. Juju only knows that it's below the highest place." Jiaoju shook her head.

Gu Fenghua still wanted to ask, but his face changed slightly.

Someone is approaching here.

Gu Fenghua turned his head and looked in one direction. Someone is approaching here quietly.

The man was originally checking here quietly, but as soon as he came out, he met a pair of big black eyes and was looking at him. He was startled, and after seeing the other person's appearance clearly, he was relieved. It's just a child of a few years old.

"Hey, little girl, how are you?" A middle-aged man appeared in front of Gu Fenghua's eyes. Although his purpose for coming here was not pure, but seeing such a cute child, he also fell in love with him subconsciously. He lowered his tone, "Little girl, are you playing here alone?"

The strength of this person is at least the third rank of Profound Sage. Gu Fenghua sighed in his heart, the current self is really weak. Can't beat, can't beat...

"Yes." Gu Fenghua nodded, holding Jiaoju and tilting his head to look at him, "Who are you? Why haven't I seen you before?"

"Aha, uncle is the suzerain's guest. I'm a bit bored in the house. Come out for a walk. I met a cute little girl." The middle-aged man tried his best to make his tone as kind as possible.

"Oh, goodbye then." Gu Fenghua turned around and was about to leave.

"Hey, wait, little girl, uncle asked you something, have you noticed anything strange recently? If there is anything, tell uncle, uncle treats you to sweets." The middle-aged man squatted down and charged Gu Fenghua waved, "Come here, uncle, here, uncle will give you sweets."

Gu Fenghua felt a chill. This kind of wretched uncle's tone of tricking little loli to look at the goldfish really disgusted her. Ordinary children might really be fooled by this trick of deceiving children, but the problem is not Gu Fenghua.

"Strange thing? What kind are you referring to?" Gu Fenghua tilted his head, looking like a curious baby.

"It's just that there is something different recently. For example, where the seven-color light appeared, or where the mountain moved, or where the trees died." The middle-aged man followed the temptation.

Gu Fenghua rolled his eyes, but at this moment, his heart was turning a thousand times. Didn't Feitianzong have any abnormalities recently? In other words, these people came to look for it in advance before the vision happened?

"Are you looking for something good? Is it candied haws or hawthorn cake?" Gu Fenghua's cute milky voice, coupled with her big black eyes, melted everyone's heart.

Gu Fenghua covered his face in his heart, he didn't want to be cute either. But in order to get some news, I still used the "Moe Project".

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