"It literally means that the next suzerain is you." Wen Renjiang looked at the bewildered Gu Fenghua, and said in a good mood, "You are the person our Feitian Sect has been waiting for. This is Yue Patriarch Bai said. After many years, if there is someone who can open the scroll, that person will be the person it has been waiting for."

Gu Fenghua was stunned. Many years ago, Yuebai expected that he would appear?

"This sect exists only to wait for your appearance." Wen Renjiang's expression suddenly became serious, "You may sound unbelievable, but it is true. Gu Fenghua, this sect The door exists for you."

Gu Fenghua's heart was turbulent. What is this sect that exists for her?

She remembered what Yuebai called her, young master. Thinking of Yuebai coming to this place tens of thousands of years ago to establish a sect in order to wait for his appearance, something flashed in Gu Fenghua's mind, but he couldn't grasp that flashing thing no matter what.

"I'm still a child, I'm not the suzerain." Gu Fenghua twitched the corner of his mouth, met Wen Renjiang, who had bright eyes, and squeezed out these words word by word through his teeth.

"That's right, you are still a child now." Wen Renjiang felt a little headache. Patronizing and glad that the things explained by the ancestors of the generations have some clues, but forgot that the little fat girl is only five years old this year.

For the first time in Gu Fenghua's heart, he was glad that he had become like a child. Are you kidding me, take over as suzerain? Who is convinced that such a young child will be the suzerain? Is the suzerain a mascot? Let her contribute to the Feitian Sect and strengthen the Feitian Sect, but let her take over as the suzerain and worry about so many people's food, clothing and training, so let's not do it, she is still a baby.

"Yes, I will make you the young suzerain first. When you grow up, you can take over as the suzerain." Wen Renjiang punched his hand excitedly.

"No, I don't want to be the suzerain." Gu Fenghua shook his head. She still has to find her friends, and she will leave here sooner or later.

"However, this sect originally belonged to you. This is the purpose we have passed down from generation to generation." Wen Renjiang said as a matter of course, "Hurry up to hold a grand ceremony and make you the young suzerain, and then you and I will go to see it later. See what you can use now in the warehouse. And, those cheat books, you go and choose. Oh, and also, you see who is more pleasing to the eye, and they will be transferred to your side to protect you."

"You..." Gu Fenghua wanted to complain, how many years have passed, what are these suzerains thinking? Brainwashed the next suzerain so thoroughly, so Wen Renjiang is not reluctant to give up the suzerain position at all? No nostalgia at all? Saying that the sect is poor, no matter how poor it is, it is still a sect, right? No matter how poor you are, the cultivation resources are enough for the Suzerain. Is it really good to not be greedy for the rights in your hands at all?

In the storybook, why is there no scene of holding on to resources and setting up a little puppet suzerain?

"Then I'll give it to you now." Gu Fenghua waved the chubby hand, also in a very bachelor tone.

"Then how can it be?!" Wen Renjiang was anxious.

"Then I will be the suzerain, and now I will pass it on to you, and you will still be the suzerain." Gu Fenghua said.

Wen Renjiang choked, he had never seen such a showy operation. Is there such an operation?

No, not right. How can the suzerain position be such a child's play?

"This is a big deal, it can't be just a joke." Wen Renjiang finally came back to his senses, and said solemnly.

"You also know it's a big deal. I don't know how to manage a sect. You must come. I will work hard in the future to carry forward the Feitian sect and return to the peak, okay?" After Gu Fenghua finished speaking, he quickly transferred the news With Renjiang's attention, he raised Jiaoju over his head and asked, "You are called Patriarch Yuebai, so what is the daughter of Patriarch Yuebai, what is your name? Juju is your elder?"

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