My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1322 Are You Threatening Me?

"Establish the young suzerain first, and then go to participate in the competition, or I won't let you go. There is no treasure." Wen Renjiang threatened this time.

"You actually threatened me?" Gu Fenghua's face was full of horror.

"Yes, to threaten you." Wen Renjiang was confident, and he didn't feel that threatening a child was anything to be ashamed of.

"It's annoying, the less the suzerain, the less the suzerain." Gu Fenghua compromised. To be a nominal young suzerain is to be a young suzerain, even if you are the mascot of the Feitian sect.

"Okay, I'm going to call all the disciples now and announce this." Wen Renjiang was about to run away after finishing speaking, but then he remembered something wrong, and picked up Gu Fenghua under the creaking nest and ran outside.

"What about the treasure?" Gu Fenghua continued to ask while hugging Jiao Juju.

"Let's establish the young suzerain first." Wen Renjiang was afraid that Gu Fenghua would repent, so he wanted to settle this matter first.

Gu Fenghua didn't know what to say.

Soon, the thick and heavy bell rang far away, resounding throughout the Feitian Sect, reaching the ears of all Feitian Sect disciples.

Everyone raised their heads and looked in the direction of Chongtian Peak in astonishment.

How long has it been since I heard the bell of Fei Tianzong?

What the hell happened?

When everyone stood in the square in front of the main hall of Chongtian Peak, they saw the suzerain Wen Renjiang standing in front with a serious face. On both sides of him stood the peak masters and elders in turn.

Everyone didn't find it strange that the order of standing was based on the order of dignity and strength. The only thing that surprised everyone was that there was a little girl carved in pink and jade standing in front of Wen Renjiang.

Isn't that a cute little chubby girl? Why are you standing there?

The disciples standing next to Jiang Li looked at Jiang Li suspiciously, and asked him in a low voice, "What happened?"

Jiang Li shook his head, indicating that he didn't know either. Seeing the same doubts on Jiang Li's face, everyone understood that he didn't know what was going on.

"Everyone is called today, and there is one thing to announce. That is, Gu Fenghua will be established as the young suzerain of our sect. From today onwards, Gu Fenghua will be the young suzerain of the Feitian sect." Wen Renjiang also cut to the chase and said without delay.

As soon as the words came out, everyone was in an uproar.

The young suzerain, that is, the future suzerain!

In everyone's perception, the next suzerain, no accident, is Wen Renjiang's beloved disciple, Qiao Feiyu. Qiao Feiyu is extremely talented, and his strength was promoted some time ago. He is the leader among the disciples of their generation. If he becomes suzerain, that is what everyone expects. But now how come a young suzerain is killed halfway? How long has it been since the Feitian Sect had no Young Sect Master?

The elders of the peak master standing on both sides of Wenrenjiang were also dumbfounded, and they all turned their heads to look at Wenrenjiang in shock.

Among them, some of them knew Xiaopang Niu and were more familiar with her. But some people don't know each other, they just heard about the existence of Little Pang Girl, and they also know that many people like Little Pang Girl. I also know that Wen Renjiang likes this little chubby girl very much.

But what is the suzerain doing? You can't make this little chubby girl the young suzerain just because you like it personally. What can this little fat girl do? Be the mascot of Feitianzong? It has to be said that the complaints at this time were synchronized with the complaints in Gu Fenghua's heart at that time.

"Sect Master, are you joking?" the peak master of Zhan Tian Peak spoke first.

"I'm not joking." With a straight face, Wen Renjiang glanced at Zhan Tianfeng's peak master, and said coldly, "Gu Fenghua is our future suzerain. She will participate in the sect's ranking evaluation."

"What?" The master of Zhantian Peak exclaimed.

Hearing the words of Wen Renjiang and Zhan Tianfeng's master, there was a lot of discussion below.

"Gu Fenghua's alchemy attainment is above mine." He Jinshui suddenly spoke at this moment.

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