My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1324 This flattering expression

Gu Fenghua had no expression on his face, and said in a cold voice: "Just practice here. Now!"

There was another uproar.

Some people thought that He Jinshui gave Gu Fenghua face, so those who told lies were a little shaken. We are all waiting and seeing.

"Hey, don't you believe me. The little fat girl is amazing." Brother Liu puffed out his chest proudly, "She's better than my master, really."

The people next to him looked at him inexplicably, what are you so proud of? Your behavior is completely a crime, right?

Senior Brother Qu stared at the confident little chubby girl. There was no expression on her small, round, fat face, but the confidence in her brows was so strong. Okay, okay, so cute... Brother Qu didn't have any expression on his face, but his heart started to howl again.

He Jinshui immediately took out the alchemy furnace and medicinal materials in a doggy manner, and then prepared to control the heat.

Wen Renjiang really wanted to cover his face, Fatty He's flattering expression was simply unbearable!

Gu Fenghua didn't speak, and quickly started alchemy. Not much nonsense, action is the most convincing.

In this way, Gu Fenghua started alchemy with a calm face in front of more than a hundred people. No one dared to speak, and the quiet dropping of needles could be heard in the entire square.

Putting in medicinal materials, skilled hand formulas, and flowing movements, a wonderful rhythm filled Gu Fenghua's surroundings, and the people who watched were mesmerized.

"Dan Cheng." Not long after, the sound of Gu Fenghua's milk rang in everyone's ears.

As soon as the alchemy furnace was opened, a strange fragrance wafted out like this.

Although He Jinshui already knew about Gu Fenghua's alchemy attainments, he also knew that there should be no problem with Gu Fenghua's alchemy this time. But when Dan Cheng, he was still trembling with excitement.

"It's done, it's really done. Heavenly rank!" He Jinshui's excited voice resounded throughout the square, "All are heavenly ranks, hahahaha!"

Several peak masters and elders all stared wide-eyed, and then turned red.

Oh, jealousy makes me unrecognizable. Hold on hold on hold.

Wen Renjiang is better, after all, he is the master of a sect.

"Now, do you think what I said is true?" Gu Fenghua put his hands behind his back and looked at the crowd below the square with a straight face.

Of course there is no fake, they are all real, more real than pearls!

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, who would believe it? A five-year-old child has such high attainments in alchemy, far surpassing Master He. No, this kind of alchemy is probably very popular in the middle-rank sect.

Thinking of Gu Fenghua's promise just now, everyone's hearts surged.

"I've said it all, getting rid of poverty and becoming rich is not a dream." Gu Fenghua snorted, turned around and left with Jiaojuju in his arms.

Those who have not returned to God are left behind.

"Young Sovereign, wait, I'll buy you sweet-scented osmanthus cake."

"Oh, young suzerain, wait a minute, I have candy here, do you want to eat it?"

"Young Sovereign, I have a very interesting toy here, you must like it."

In the next moment, the square became noisy like boiling water.

Gu Fenghua's mouth twitched when he heard these flattering words.

You only eat candy, you only play with toys...

Wen Renjiang stood there dumbfounded, and suddenly wanted to cry.

Disciples under the sect, how long have you been suppressed by poverty... Is it so sad to be poor?

Gu Fenghua's kind of bribery, so straightforward, such a philistine declaration, has now become a reality!

Fei Tianzong, who has always been poor and tearful, ushered in a historic moment today.

Something delayed me today, so I just updated, sorry. hello everyone

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