My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1328 otherwise you will be fatter

Three days later, Gu Fenghua was asking Jiang Li to classify the pills that he received as compensation, when Wen Renjiang and Qiao Feiyu came to the door.

"Oh, Young Sovereign, are you exhausted these three days?" Wen Renjiang walked in with a smile.

Originally, Gu Fenghua just glanced at him and didn't pay much attention to it. Who told this smelly old man to threaten him. But Wen Renjiang pulled out several overlapping bundles of oiled paper packages from his back.

"Roast chicken, stewed beef, eight-treasure duck. I went to the town to buy this morning. It's still fresh and hot. Please eat it." Wen Renjiang put these foods in front of Gu Fenghua in a fawning manner.

Only then did Gu Fenghua give Wen Renjiang a look: "What is the suzerain doing here today? Brother Qiao, do you want to stay for lunch?"

"Why didn't you keep me for dinner?" Wen Renjiang asked with a very hurt expression.

"You still want to eat what you bought? Then do you mean invite me to eat?" Gu Fenghua squinted at Wen Renjiang.

"Okay, okay, little chubby girl, I was wrong when I threatened you before. Today I am here to make amends, come to fulfill my promise, and I will take you to the place you wanted to go before." Wenren Jiang groped Touch your nose. Oh, the little fat girl still holds a grudge. Don't offend her easily in the future.

"Really?" Gu Fenghua stood up excitedly. After so many years, I want to know that what Yuebai left for her is absolutely extraordinary. She is really a weak chicken now, unable to fight or run. It's safe to be near something good.

"Really, let's go and come back for dinner after we finish our business." Wen Renjiang nodded with a smile.

"Senior brother, little brother, when I come back for dinner, I'll go out and have something to do with the sect master first." Gu Fenghua turned to Jiang Li and Lang Zhuyue and said.

"Okay. It's all meat. Senior brother will prepare two vegetarian dishes for you to eat." After Jiang Li said this, he successfully saw Gu Fenghua's small face pulled down, and he laughed even more in his heart. "You can't just eat meat, you also have to eat vegetables. Yes, good babies can't be picky eaters."

"That's right, Junior Sister, you can't just eat meat, or you'll get fatter." Lang Zhuyue looked serious, "Although you look chubby and pretty."

After listening to the words of the two senior brothers, Gu Fenghua turned to Wen Renjiang with a look of unrequited love, "Let's go, let's go."

Seeing the expression on Gu Fenghua's face, Qiao Feiyu almost laughed out loud. He thought, if there was no vow from generation to generation, he would still want to protect this little fat girl, regardless of his own safety.

Wen Renjiang took Gu Fenghua and Qiao Feiyu not to Chongtian Peak, but to the back mountain.

"Juju, is the treasure your mother left me in the back mountain?" Gu Fenghua communicated with Jiaoju in his mind.

"I don't know. When my mother told me, I was busy eating and sleeping. I don't remember." After Jiaoju finished speaking, she stretched in Gu Fenghua's arms, and then followed Gu Fenghua His arm climbed onto Gu Fenghua's shoulder, and finally stretched himself out, wrapping it around Gu Fenghua's neck, turning into a red scarf.

This little guy is really a spoiled snack. Forget it, don't count on her. You'll know when the suzerain takes you there.

When Gu Fenghua entered Zhudan Mountain again, he discovered something in shock.

The red leaves that caught my eye were much lighter than when she first came here.

The big fox Yuebai, has he already gone?

An inexplicable sadness floated in Gu Fenghua's heart.

How long did Yuebai wait for him...

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