After Gu Fenghua walked around the room twice, Jiaoju poked his head out from among the toys: "Master, come and choose a toy, what toy do you want, I'll give it to you."

Gu Fenghua waved his hand funny: "No need, these are Juju's beloved things, don't give them to me. What did your mother leave for me?"

"Oh, I almost forgot. Master, these, these, and those, can you bring them to me?" Jiaoju used its small claws to scrape over a few toys, and piled them up in front of Gu Fenghua.

"This cloth tiger is my favorite, it was made for me by my brother." Jiao Ju said, pointing to a cloth tiger.

When Gu Fenghua picked it up, the cloth tiger was slightly warm, and he didn't know what material it was made of. After so many years, there is no trace of damage, and it still looks like new.

Gu Fenghua nodded: "Okay, I will put these away for you. When you want to play, I will give it to you."

"Okay, okay, thank you master." Jiaoju shook her head happily, then jumped off the bed, "Master, let's go, let's go to that room, it's something your mother left for you."

After Gu Fenghua put away his things, Jiaoju ran ahead, and Gu Fenghua followed. Finally came to the other end of the corridor, another room.

As soon as the door was pushed open, Gu Fenghua was almost blinded.

There are so many materials for refining weapons and formations that you can't handle them all. The rows of shelves against the wall are all made of porcelain bottles, and there is no need to think about it. They should be filled with pills.

"Oh, I said where did my mirage bead go, so it's here." Jiaoju suddenly whispered, ran to the corner, picked up a bead, and that bead was owned by Gu Fenghua The mirage bead was exactly the same, only much smaller.

Isn't this the treasure of their clan? It turned out to be two, one big and one small?

Jiaoju opened her mouth to hold the mirage bead, then raised her head and flicked the mirage bead into the air. Gu Fenghua's heart tightened, but he saw Jiaoju jumping up and catching the mirage beads with his forehead. Then I saw the mirage bead landed on the white spot on Jiaoju's forehead, and then disappeared.

Gu Fenghua was a little surprised watching this scene: "Juju, is the mirage pearl in your body?"

"Mother said it's in the consciousness, but I don't quite understand it. Master, now we each have a mirage bead, and we can whisper to each other even when we are far away."

When Gu Fenghua heard it, feelings also have the function of sound transmission for thousands of miles?

"And my mother said, you can ignore those enchantments and formations, we can talk even if we are far away." After Jiao Juju finished speaking, she went to pick things in the corner again.

Gu Fenghua can see that Jiaoju is just a little confused. Such an important thing was thrown everywhere by her, but fortunately, she found it now. Gu Fenghua turned around and went downstairs to find Wen Renjiang and Qiao Feiyu.

Although Yuebai said that these things were left to her, Gu Fenghua felt that the Feitian sect was founded by Yuebai and his adopted son, and it was their hard work, and they would not want to see this sect gradually decline until it disappeared. With these many resources, I believe the situation of Feitianzong will change a lot.

When Wen Renjiang and Qiao Feiyu came up to see the things in this room, they both became a little dazed.

"This is what Yuebai left for Fei Tianzong, you should see what's there first." After Gu Fenghua finished speaking, he was also ready to see if there was anything she could use right now.

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