My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1334 Since we are all our own people

Only then did Gu Fenghua realize that there was another door in the corner of the room. Gu Fenghua opened the door and entered, and saw a room full of weapons. What caught her eye at a glance was a sword. This sword seemed tailor-made for her now. A cold light flashed, and when you get closer, you can see the appearance of a person on the blade.

Gu Fenghua held this sword in his hand, the weight and length were just right!

Finally have a handy weapon! Gu Fenghua joyfully held a few sword flowers with his sword. Otherwise, there is no sense of security at all, how can we fight if we want to fight? Could it be that he went up to fight people hand to hand? Look at this guy with short legs and fat arms, how can he fight with people?

"Oh, little fat girl, you are a good sword dancer." Wen Renjiang and Qiao Feiyu also walked in, and as soon as they came in, they saw Gu Fenghua trying out his sword.

Gu Fenghua glanced at the two of them, she felt that she couldn't be underestimated, right? Suddenly, Gu Fenghua's aura was at full strength.

Wen Renjiang and Qiao Feiyu looked at Gu Fenghua in astonishment, did they feel wrong? Fenghua actually has the strength of a soul sage? Jiang Li is also only the first rank of Soul Sage. Gu Fenghua actually has such strength?

"Well, since we're all on our own, I think there's something I need to clarify with you." Gu Fenghua sat down boldly and put the sword in his hand aside.

"What's the matter?" Wen Renjiang also became serious when he heard this.

Qiao Feiyu was also all ears.

"I'm not a child..." Gu Fenghua just started, and saw Wen Renjiang showing a kind smile, with an expression of um, I know you have grown up, um, children are eager to grow up, Gu Fenghua twitched The corner of the mouth twitched, "I'm serious. You always imagined that I was the product of a failed internal struggle in a big family or sect. No, I came from the lower realm."

The smile on Wen Renjiang's face disappeared, revealing a dazed expression. Qiao Feiyu was still puzzled.

"You mean, you participated in the training to select the strong? You passed, so you came to Wuji Holy Heaven?" Wen Renjiang knew about it. Obviously, there will never be five-year-old children participating in this trial, so what Gu Fenghua said is true.

"When I was teleported to Wuji Holy Heaven, an accident happened, and I turned into a child." Gu Fenghua said, "However, it should return to the original after a while."

"Then, how old were you originally?" Qiao Feiyu's voice trembled suddenly, because he remembered that when Gu Fenghua gave him the needle, he was wearing big underpants! At that time, he thought that Gu Fenghua was a child, so he didn't have so many scruples. Now hearing this, my heart began to tremble.

"Oh, I'm fifteen, almost sixteen." Gu Fenghua saw Qiao Feiyu's bluish face, of course he knew what the other party was thinking. But is Gu Fenghua such a caring and good baby? of course not! "Brother Qiao is in good shape."

Qiao Feiyu's face flushed instantly.

Wen Renjiang couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Oh, Brother Qiao, look away. In the eyes of doctors, there is no distinction between men and women." Gu Fenghua got up, picked up the sword, and walked to Qiao Feiyu's side, wanting to pat him on the shoulder to comfort him, but found that he was very nervous. Short enough to reach, he patted Qiao Feiyu's calf instead.

Qiao Feiyu: ...

I was not comforted, thank you.

"No wonder." Wen Renjiang nodded and said suddenly. No, even if Gu Fenghua is sixteen years old, her alchemy talent is really beyond compare.

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