My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1336 Let's see who is shady

"Sovereign, do you think those people who appeared in the Feitian Sect are looking for this underground palace?" Gu Fenghua remembered that he was almost captured before, and remembered what those people had been looking for. Could it be In order to find this underground palace?

"No. Those people are looking for Patriarch Yuebai." Only at this time did Wen Renjiang tell the truth to Gu Fenghua. Never said that to anyone before.

"What?" Qiao Feiyu and Gu Fenghua asked in surprise.

"It is rumored that the first suzerain of our Feitian sect had a very strong demon pet, and it was because of this demon pet that he became one of the strongest sects at that time. But after the suzerain passed away, the demon pet fell asleep. But there is a legend , The demon pet will wake up in the future. If the demon pet recognizes its master again, it will become a generation of powerhouses and a generation of legends." Wen Renjiang continued with a sneer, "And the time when the legendary demon pet wakes up Just these one or two years. It’s really whimsical, let’s be their daydreams.”

"I see." Gu Fenghua and Qiao Feiyu were stunned. Gu Fenghua sighed in his heart, these people were all looking for Yuebai, but no one knew that Yuebai had passed away.

"There is another thing. The evaluation time of the low-rank sect has been advanced. I don't know what happened. I originally wanted to hold our sect competition to determine the quota, but it is not necessary now. I already have it in my heart." Candidates." Wen Renjiang asked another question.

"Who are going?" Qiao Feiyu asked.

"I'll know when the time comes. I ordered people to declare to the outside world that our Feitian sect has established the young suzerain." Wen Renjiang even kept it a secret, "Go back and prepare to go down. In five days, we will go down the mountain."

"I will protect you well." Qiao Feiyu glanced at Gu Fenghua and said solemnly.

"Okay, I believe it." Gu Fenghua nodded seriously.


Five days later, Gu Fenghua saw that most of the people who were going to participate in the assessment were familiar faces.

Qiao Feiyu, Senior Brother Qu, Senior Brother Liu, Jiang Li, and a female student.

The female disciple smiled when she saw Gu Fenghua.

"Young Sect Master, I will protect you every step of the way." The female disciple is called Lan Ge. If Qiao Feiyu hadn't stopped her, she would have bent down to hug Gu Fenghua. Lan Ge's strength is not bad, and he is also the ninth rank of Soul Sage, and he is expected to break through to Xuan Sage in the near future. It is also the best among the disciples.

When Gu Fenghua saw her bright eyes, he knew that Lan Ge was another person who was confused by her appearance.

Wait, why again?

"Junior sister, senior brother, you need to come back soon." Lang Zhuyue was led by He Jinshui, and said to Gu Fenghua and Jiang Li reluctantly.

"Well, little senior brother, you have to be obedient at home, and buy you a lot of gifts when I come back, okay?" Gu Fenghua said to Lang Zhuyue with a smile.

Lang Zhuyue nodded vigorously.

"You guys must protect the young suzerain, especially you, Lan Ge, and you must stay close." Wen Renjiang urged, and before Gu Fenghua recovered, he really couldn't be careless. Those two sects used unscrupulous means for the sake of evaluation.

"Fei Yu be careful." Wen Renjiang urged again.

Gu Fenghua had long guessed that Qiao Feiyu's injury last time was not that simple. More sure now.

But, hey, I'm afraid that the other party will challenge her in a fair manner. With her small body, she is really no match. It's yin, that's just to her liking. Let's see who is more shady than who.

Gu Fenghua was thinking happily, but found something abnormal in his head. When she looked up, she saw that Lan Ge was quickly tying her hair.

"Okay, perfect! So cute!" Lan Ge's happy eyes almost narrowed into a line. And the people around looked at Gu Fenghua with sparkling eyes.

Gu Fenghua stretched out his hand and touched his head tentatively.

Oops, two meatballs with Baotou!

Looking at Lan Ge whose eyes were about to emit green light, Gu Fenghua had a bad premonition in his heart. Why did she weirdly recall the scene where Zihan was dressed up by herself?

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