Feng Le followed the voice, and saw a small, chubby figure standing at Qiao Feiyu's feet. ha? The Feitian Sect actually brought a child here this time, what did they bring it for? Want to get acquainted?

"There are so many people, do you have to go to the house?" The shopkeeper looked at Wen Renjiang suspiciously. Among these people, Wen Renjiang was the oldest and the most powerful. He should have the final say. The child just now should be ignorant and nonsense, right?

"What do you mean? Do you think we can't afford the money?" Gu Fenghua frowned, and said fiercely, "I told you, you have to go to the house."

"Listen to her." Wen Renjiang said helplessly while looking at the shopkeeper and also at himself in a daze.

"This is?" The shopkeeper looked down at Gu Fenghua, such a little girl carved in powder and jade, so small, why did the person with the highest strength talk about listening to this child.

"It's the Young Sect Master of our Feitian Sect!" Qiao Feiyu said coldly.

Feng Le and the others over there burst out laughing again. Is Fei Tianzong really going to die? Establish such a small child as the young suzerain. Was Qiao Feiyu abandoned? The disciples of other sects all agreed that Qiao Feiyu would be the suzerain of the Feitian sect in the future, but now a young suzerain emerged, what happened?

This young suzerain is just a small child, so many people in the Feitian sect are dumb, why don't they speak, but let this child negotiate with the shopkeeper?

Gu Fenghua was very angry when he saw the storekeeper's stupid look. He took out a purse and was about to slap it in front of the shopkeeper. In the end... oh shit, why is she so short now, she can't even throw money in someone's face.

"Lan Ge! Pick me up!" Gu Fenghua shouted angrily.

After Lan Ge came back to his senses, he laughed in his heart, but he moved very quickly, and immediately hugged Gu Fenghua. The other brothers looked at Lan Ge enviously, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh,they really want to hug the Young Sovereign.

Gu Fenghua took the money bag in his hand, patted it in front of the shopkeeper, and said aggressively: "I said, one room per room."

"Yes, but your money is not enough. You have so many people mainly because you have to go to the house." The shopkeeper picked up the money bag, opened it, and said awkwardly.

"Pfft hahaha..." Feng Le and the others couldn't help but burst out laughing. This little fat girl is too funny, right? Where did Fei Tianzong find the child, don't you feel ashamed?

The next moment, their laughter stopped abruptly.

I saw Gu Fenghua taking out money bags one after another, and slapping one in front of the shopkeeper every time he took out one.

"Superficial, immature, and impatient. Did I just say that is the bag of money? Our Feitian sect lacks everything except money. Do you understand?" Gu Fenghua threw the money bag out proudly, "And , does your inn accept pills for the room fee?"

Fuck? When did Fei Tianzong get so rich? Who is this young suzerain? Why is he so rich and powerful? Did the Feitian sect suddenly become prosperous so they gave their young suzerain a lot of money to squander, or was this young suzerain who was hugged by the Feitian sect and made him the young suzerain because he was too rich?

For a while, the people sitting in the hall were all guessing.

Gu Fenghua looked at the shopkeeper who was busy taking the purse, and patted the table with his chubby hand speechlessly: "Shopkeeper, I ask you, do you accept pills?"

"It's taken, it's taken." The shopkeeper was opening those purses, looking at them one by one, first surprised, then smiling.

"Oh, where do you see these pills?" Gu Fenghua handed out a porcelain bottle.

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