My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1340 Surprisingly found a thigh hug!

The shopkeeper couldn't help laughing at this scene. This kid is really interesting. Oh, I can't laugh, otherwise this young suzerain will have a bad impression of herself, and it will be miserable if she doesn't sell her pills, let alone recommend the alchemist behind her.

But I've never heard of someone from the Feitian Sect with such a high attainment in alchemy? Was there someone behind this little chubby girl who was then pulled into the group by the Feitian sect, who set up a young suzerain for the little chubby girl in order to bind her together?

Fuck, Feitianzong is really a thief! I found a thigh hug!

People in the hall also thought the same, including Feng Le and others. For a moment, the eyes that everyone looked at Gu Fenghua had many meanings.

"You are too shameless, actually, relying on children and spending their money." Feng Le sarcastically.

"Hmph, our Young Sovereign has plenty of money. Why is Young Sovereign willing to spend it on us, so we hug Young Sovereign's thigh, what's wrong?" Brother Liu immediately raised his chin and sneered at Feng Le. Brother Liu, who was mean-spirited, looked like a villain, Qiao Feiyu and the others wanted to beat him, not to mention Feng Le and others.

"Lan Ge, what does hugging your thigh mean?" Gu Fenghua asked cutely. Tsk tsk, acting to impress people, who wouldn't. It's just to create an image of a person who is stupid and rich, to make those people envious and jealous of Feitianzong, simple! No, it's not that people are stupid and have a lot of money, it's that people who are small have a lot of money. It would be more fun if the people he provoked were eager to take some action. When it was time to make a fool of himself, Gu Fenghua was absolutely unambiguous.

"Um, it's just..." Lan Ge met Gu Fenghua's big black eyes and was speechless.

"Just to spend my money?" Gu Fenghua asked ignorantly.

Wen Renjiang looked up at the sky, this little chubby girl was really into the drama. Forget it, don't care about her, as long as she is happy. As for Fei Tianzong's face? Hehe, face is worth a few cents, can it be eaten, can it be exchanged for cultivation resources, can it make people stronger? No, absolutely not.

Qiao Feiyu looked calm. Of course he felt those complicated eyes in the hall. There is envy, jealousy, and condemnation. Of course he knew what those people had imagined. But, this is really true. They Feitianzong are really hugging their thighs now, and they are all spending Gu Fenghua's money.

However, what Gu Fenghua said obviously had a deep meaning. Xiao Fenghua, who looks like five years old, is not so ignorant. Although he didn't know what Gu Fenghua wanted to do, Qiao Feiyu naturally wanted to cooperate.

"Yeah, it's just spending your money." Qiao Feiyu said with a look of reason, "We are poor, but you are rich, so we all hug your thighs." Now Feitianzong's situation has improved greatly, of course it is Gu Fenghua s reason. Gu Fenghua's original words about taking you out of poverty and becoming rich were no joke. It's just that these details don't need to be told to outsiders. Let these people make up their minds as much as possible.

After Qiao Feiyu finished speaking, the whole hall was filled with uproar. Fuck, it's so shameless but can be said in such a fresh and refined way.

"Oh, so that's the case. It's okay, I have a lot of money, you can spend it as you like." Gu Fenghua's face was full of seriousness.

Damn it, the Feitian sect got lucky and picked up the golden doll. Woohoo, we want to pick it up too.

Feng Le and the others looked at each other without saying a word, just the emotion in their eyes, which everyone knew well.

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