My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1342 I'm too flamboyant today

Not only Wen Renjiang was watching Gu Fenghua and the others, but the disciples of several other sects also watched them with sideways eyes.

Why? Because Gu Fenghua and the others were really, really flamboyant today!

Gu Fenghua stood at the front, and Qiao Feiyu and the others stood behind Gu Fenghua. Several people were wearing the same clothes, all brand new crescent white clothes, with exactly the same style and embroidery patterns. A few handsome men and beauties stood there, feeling a little fairy-like.

Not only did their clothes look brand new, but the swords they wore were also spotless, and the tassels on the swords were all the same scarlet red.

Standing in front, you will be attracted by these people at a glance.

Wen Renjiang touched his beard, when did they make their clothes? How did he know nothing about it? Don't say it, it's really pretty.

Gu Fenghua lowered his fat chin, and sneered twice in his heart. Sure enough, it is best to pretend to be X or fluttering in white. Tremble, you mortals. Gu Fenghua didn't realize that she became smaller, and sometimes she couldn't help becoming childish.

However, even if she knew, Gu Pangniu would not feel ashamed. It's ok, I'm used to it.

When Gu Fenghua asked everyone to put on new clothes and sword spikes in the morning, everyone was surprised. Was this prepared by the young suzerain? When did you prepare it? Qiao Feiyu also asked.

Lan Ge chuckled, and replied: "Young Master asked me to order it before. It is said that people rely on clothes to make gold clothes. Sure enough, the brothers and sisters are really handsome in wearing them."

The few people involved were a little blushing and embarrassed.

Then there was the present scene, and everyone's eyes couldn't help but drift to this side.


"Ahem, I don't want to repeat the rules. After seven days, the sect with the most disciples who pass the trial will be promoted to the low-rank sect." After the older supervisor finished speaking, he and the young Some of the supervisors took out a formation disk, and the two threw the formation disk into the air at the same time, and then quickly typed out the hand formula.

The tricks are profound, getting faster and faster. The two formation disks floated in the air, spinning slowly, and then getting faster and faster. A light curtain was cast from mid-air. Gu Fenghua looked along the light curtain, and saw a shocking scene.

Just behind them, a huge arched door appeared. It can be seen from the door that there is a maze inside. The walls of the maze are actually a kind of green trees, densely packed, without any gaps.

What kind of trial is this? Walk the maze? Why is it still a bit like the garden maze drawn by her brother before?

"Go in. After seven days, we will wait for you at the exit. If you encounter danger and don't want to continue participating, just tear up the talisman given to you, and you will be spit out naturally." Urged, "Hurry up and leave. Are you standing still to wait for me to invite you to dinner?"

The painting style of the last sentence changed suddenly, Gu Fenghua was still a little uncomfortable, and he glanced at the old man twice.

Wenren Jiang nodded to everyone, signaling them to be careful in everything.

Qiao Feiyu clenched his fists and nodded vigorously at his master. This time, he must be promoted.

"Let's go." Gu Fenghua took the lead in walking forward with his short legs. Lan Ge and his party quickly followed. As if there was an unwritten rule, after Gu Fenghua and his group entered for a while, only people from another sect moved. Waiting for people from this sect to enter for a while and disappearing from everyone's sight, other sects will leave.

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