"Juju? What did you say you saw?" Gu Fenghua asked.

"Master, there are many small phantom formations here, hehe, it's so interesting, so I squeezed all the small phantom formations here just now. Haha, this person is so funny, he is actually afraid of this kind of monster. Haha, This person is even more ridiculous, to be chased by his father for several blocks..." Ju Ju said cheerfully in Gu Fenghua's mind.

Gu Fenghua's heart was already full of turmoil.

Juju has already mastered the maze of the entire Wraith Wooden Labyrinth? Is it total control? Then it can see the illusion seen by these people in the illusion?

"I didn't see the illusion, is it because of Juju?" Gu Fenghua asked.

"Yes, these things are very simple. Master, you also want to try the illusion. Can Juju open it for you?" Jiaoju asked softly.

"Ah, no, no, I don't need it." Gu Fenghua quickly refused.

However, what kind of monsters are Juju and Yuebai? Can operate phantom array?

"Hahahaha, Master, I'm dying of laughter, if you want to see it too." Jiaoju almost rolled over laughing.

"Can I watch it too?" Gu Fenghua asked in surprise.

"Of course. Master, what do you want to see? Oh, let me show you these people first. They are with you." After Jiao Juju finished speaking, Gu Fenghua felt a clear picture appeared in his mind.

Brother Joe? This is cultivating desperately, wanting to be promoted to the sect? Then he should wake up from the environment soon.

Brother Liu, ouch, hahaha, in the environment, he has become an alchemy genius, admired by thousands of people.

Brother Qu? What's happening here? Gu Fenghua saw that in Senior Brother Qu's illusion, Senior Brother Qu bought her candied haws and various pastries, then he patted her head and hugged her.

Gu Fenghua had black lines on his face, what a big obsession Senior Brother Qu has. He didn't show it on the surface, but in the end he likes himself so much?

Brother Jiang Li, aww, it's normal for a senior brother, this old man in the senior brother's environment is probably their master, and he is also the one who raised the senior brother. Wow, the senior brother started crying while hugging the master, and stopped watching it.

See what Lan Ge is thinking. Gu Fenghua's face turned dark when he saw Lan Ge's illusion. Lan Ge let out a strange laugh in the illusion, and her hands were all covered with pink skirts, headbands, and hairpins. She is madly changing Xiao Fenghua's clothes.

Forget it, don't look at it, only Senior Brother Jiang Li is normal among these people, and the others are a bit hard to describe.

"Let me see other people's." Gu Fenghua said to Jiao Juju.

"Okay, master." After Jiao Juju answered, the picture in Gu Fenghua's mind changed again.

Gu Fenghua was both surprised and delighted by Jiao Juju's skill, and couldn't help asking: "Juju, can your family be able to operate the phantom array?"

"Should be able to, I don't know about other people, because I haven't seen them before. But my mother and I can do both. I can also arrange phantom formations by myself. If there are mirage beads, I will be even more powerful. Master, Juju is very powerful .” After Jiaojuju finished speaking, she straightened her small chest.

"I thought Juju could only eat. I didn't expect Juju to be so powerful." Gu Fenghua patted Jiao Juju's little head and praised.

This wood labyrinth of dead souls, hahaha, bringing Juju with me, is simply cheating. What a big surprise!

"Juju doesn't just know how to eat. Juju can operate magic formations, arrange magic formations, and other things." Jiaoju retorted wagging her tail.

"Then, what else will Juju do?" Gu Fenghua asked expectantly.

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