My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1347 It's so refreshing

When Gu Fenghua and his group walked out of the wood maze, the people who had been in the open space before were stunned.

When all the disciples entered the place of trial, in addition to a talisman that could be torn apart in case of danger, each of them also brought a small token. This token is like a recorder, corresponding to the huge light panel in front of the gazebo. I don't know what ore this light board is made of. There is the name of each sect on it, and under the name of the sect, there are six light spots representing the disciples who participated in the trial. And the name of each level.

Every time a level is passed, these light spots representing disciples will move. But now, those light spots of Feitianzong were all removed from the Wraith Wooden Labyrinth, and went to the next level.

"This, this..." Seeing this scene, the Suzerain of Guang'an Sect almost exclaimed that this is impossible. But he calmed down instantly. This place of trial has existed for many, many years, and there has never been a mistake. The two middle-rank sects who came to supervise the evaluation were not something he could offend. If he questioned, wouldn't it mean that these two people were helping Fei Tianzong to cheat?

Others also looked at the result in shock. what is going on? Fei Tianzong actually passed the first level so quickly. Many people turned their attention to Wen Renjiang.

And Wen Renjiang was as stable as Mount Tai, with a calm face. But my heart has blossomed with joy. Needless to say, this must have something to do with the little fat girl, and I don't know what magic power the little fat girl used to pass so quickly. Accepting everyone's eyes of envy, jealousy and suspicion but not daring to talk nonsense, Wen Renjiang felt very refreshed.

Even the eyes of the two supervisors flashed surprise. No sect has ever passed the first hurdle so quickly. Feitianzong is the fastest in history.

Gu Fenghua and the others don't know what's going on outside at this moment, but have entered the second level.

The second pass is a small canyon that is like spring all the year round.

"Wow, the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming, so beautiful." Brother Liu couldn't help exclaiming when he saw the beautiful scenery in front of him, "But I'm not someone who will be deceived by false appearances, and there are often huge dangers lurking under the beautiful appearance. .”

After he finished speaking, he found that everyone was looking at him. Including the youngest little suzerain. Then, he strangely understood the meaning in everyone's eyes, and comforted him.

Fuck? You guys, Lao Huai comforts a ghost. Especially young suzerain, you can't express Lao Huai's comfort, can you? What do you mean, what do you mean, do you think he is a fool?

"Juju, is there anything strange about this place?" Gu Fenghua asked Jiao Juju in his mind, "Is what you see in front of you an illusion?"

"Yes, and no." Jiao Juju's voice was full of doubts, "Juju doesn't know, it seems that some are real and some are fake, and they all seem to be true, and some of them seem to be fake. , Oh, Juju doesn't know, I don't know." After Jiaoju finished speaking, she hugged her head with her small paws in distress, and buried herself in Gu Fenghua's arms.

"It's okay, it's okay if you don't know, our Juju is already very powerful and capable." Gu Fenghua patted Jiao Juju's small head to comfort him. But in his heart, he was thinking about Jiao Juju's words, what exactly did Juju discover?

"Let's go forward first." Gu Fenghua pointed to the only path in the canyon and said. What are you afraid of? Soldiers come to block the water and cover them with soil. She is never afraid.

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