A group of people stepped on the pure white snow, step by step, creaking and creaking. Walked for a while without any abnormalities. But everyone did not dare to relax, they were still full of vigilance and walked forward cautiously.

Another walk. Gu Fenghua listened attentively, and suddenly asked everyone: "Did you hear any sound?"

"Yes!" Qiao Feiyu also listened carefully, "Boom sound? What hit the ground?"

"A lot of thumping noises." Senior Brother Liu took two steps back timidly, "Is there something strange?"

Soon, everyone knew where those thuds were coming from. A group of snowmen were jumping towards them from right in front of them, and the thumping sound was the sound they made when they hopped and hit the ground.

"Snowmen???" Senior Brother Liu looked at the chubby snowmen with a confused face, "Are these snowmen alive or dead? Have their own consciousness? What do they want? Eat us?"

"I think they want to have a snowball fight." Gu Fenghua said seriously.

"Young Sect Master, it may not be appropriate to play snowball fights at this time. Let's pass this first, and when it snows in winter when we go back, I will take you to play in the snow." Senior Brother Liu said helplessly, hey, Young Sect Master is a little boy after all. child. As soon as I see snow, I want to have a snowball fight. However, their situation is not good now. Now is not a good time to play.

"No, it's not that I want to play, but..." Gu Fenghua stretched out his finger and pointed to the front. Brother Liu turned his head to look ahead, and saw a snowman had squeezed a big snowball and threw it at him .

The snowball hit Senior Brother Liu's face accurately and viciously. Snowflakes are cheap, and after the snowflakes fell off his face, Senior Brother Liu's nosebleeds slowly flowed down.

Brother Liu stood there in a daze, stretched out his hand and slowly touched the bottom of his nose, then looked at the nosebleed on his hand.

"Fuck!!! Today I will show you how powerful the Snowball King is. When I was a child, I fought snowball fights. I fought five of them. The brothers and sisters who fought were crying like ghosts." Brother Liu went crazy seeing the nosebleed on his hands. With a wild cry, he knelt down, pinched the snowball, pointed it at the snowman who hit him just now, and threw it vigorously.

The snowman couldn't dodge in time, and was hit by Senior Brother Liu's snowball, and his head exploded directly. The snowman fell slowly and never moved again.

"Young Sovereign, do you think these snowballs are also made of people?" Lan Ge asked a little timidly. If these are all human beings, then did Senior Brother Liu blow a human head off just now?

"Probably not, look at that blue thing on the ground." Gu Fenghua pointed to the place where the snowman's head exploded, a blue thing was lying there quietly, if Gu Fenghua hadn't looked carefully, he still couldn't see it.

The next moment, the snow around the blue crystal automatically approached and rolled. Then the blue crystals were surrounded together, and slowly turned into a snowman again. In fact, all of this happened between lightning and flint. A large group of snowmen have already pinched snow balls and threw them at them.

"Let's start, start, collect all the blue crystals." Gu Fenghua's intuition told her that as long as the blue crystals are controlled, there will be no continuous snowmen.

Now, everyone unceremoniously drew their swords and chopped down the snowman. Who wants to have a snowball fight with them, all headshots, headshots! Then he snatched the blue crystals and handed them all to Gu Fenghua.

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