My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1364 What are you looking at? Not convinced?

When Gu Fenghua and the others left the winter scene, the people who were watching the results outside widened their eyes again.

The members of the Feitian Sect have already passed the second level!

And it was passed by all members!

How can this be?

Wen Renjiang raised his eyebrows, looked at the suzerain of Guang'an with envy and hatred, and shook his beard triumphantly. What's the matter, what are you looking at, you are not convinced, are you? Don't hold back your anger.

The suzerain of Guang'an Sect didn't know what happened to him, but he understood the meaning on Wen Renjiang's face strangely. He gritted his teeth and snorted coldly, turning his face away. What are you proud of, you don't know who will win until the end. It seems that the disciples of Guang'anzong haven't met the people of Feitianzong yet. When we meet...

The Guang'an Sect Master's eyes were dark, and when he met, he would abolish this group of Feitian Sect disciples, especially Qiao Feiyu, who was said to have the most potential. If you can kill him once, you can kill him a second time.

And what are Feng Le and the others doing at this moment?

They are picking fruit.

They also found a problem, and it was impossible to pick all the fruits. Because after picking it for a while, it will grow again. Then there must be another way. Among the people of Guang'anzong who entered the place of trial this time, there are many people with active thinking. Naturally, I also figured out that the so-called fruit picking is actually picking one of each kind. Then everyone started picking fruit.

The tree spirit dressed as a girl watched a group of people looking for various fruits with cold eyes. Look for it, these stupid human beings, they never dreamed that the fruits here would be hidden by themselves. Also, that fat girl, don't let yourself meet her again. The next time you meet her, make sure she looks good!


Gu Fenghua picked up a shell on the beach and touched it. The real touch is indeed a real shell. In the place of refining trials, can real living creatures be produced? real world?


Gu Fenghua immediately denied that it was something a god could do. Or only artifacts can open up a small world.

So, where they are now, is there a real place in this world? And they were sent here? Gu Fenghua's thoughts turned quickly, and he immediately grasped the key point.

At this time, several brothers and sisters had already changed their pants and came out.

"Young Sovereign, what are you looking at?" Lan Ge stepped forward and looked at the shell in Gu Fenghua's hand, "Oh, Young Sovereign, do you like this? I can polish this for you and make it into a bracelet for you to wear. But it's better not to touch the things here. This place of trial is too evil. The things inside are not safe, so I'll buy you shells after I go out."

Lan Ge thought that Gu Fenghua liked this shell, and after recovering from the blow of destroying the image of a lady, she wanted to dress up Gu Fenghua again.

"You guys, have you noticed that this place is different from the first two levels we stayed in?" Gu Fenghua threw the shell to Lan Ge and asked everyone with a serious face.

"Ah? Is there any difference?" Senior Brother Liu fanned the air with his hand, "Oh, it's a little hot. Wait, it's a little hot?"

Brother Liu's expression changed, and everyone came to him instantly.

Feeling hot, this is something that I have never experienced in the previous two levels.

"I guess, this island really exists somewhere in this world. It's just the place of trial we entered that transported us here." Gu Fenghua spoke out his guess.

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