"Is there really a mermaid in this world?" Qiao Feiyu and the others were also surprised, but also had some vague expectations. After all, no one has ever seen a shark.

Meng Yiwen looked at Gu Fenghua and smiled slightly: "Yes. Young master, I was young and ignorant back then, but I was trapped in this secret realm for many years. Fortunately, I met you, otherwise I don't know how long I can last." Wanting to salute, Gu Fenghua hastily stretched out his hand to stop her.

"Okay, okay, thank you all, you have to really thank me, and take good care of my senior brother and junior brother in the future." Gu Fenghua felt very satisfied with Meng Yiwen's strength. Profound Sage Fifth Rank!

"Senior brother, little brother?" Meng Yiwen was a little puzzled.

"There are only three of us left in Jingtian Peak. I, senior brother, and junior senior brother are at home." When Gu Fenghua mentioned the senior brother, he pointed to Jiang Li.

"What, Jingtian Peak, there are only three people now?" Meng Yiwen's eyes widened in astonishment. Although the sect was in decline when she came to participate in the assessment, it was not enough for talents to wither like this. This is no longer talent withering, but population withering! At that time, the Feitian Sect had just been canceled as a low-rank sect, and they wanted to become a low-rank sect again, so they came to participate in the evaluation. I don't know if I got the final rating. Thinking of this, Meng Yiwen felt a little lost.

"Yes, there are only three people in Jingtian Peak. As for Feitianzong, all the disciples and elders add up, there are only a hundred or so." Gu Fenghua nodded.

"What!" Meng Yiwen's face suddenly changed, and she asked eagerly, "Who is the current suzerain? No, where is Wei Han suzerain?"

"The current suzerain is my master, Wen Renjiang. And the person you mentioned has been dead for many years..." Qiao Feiyu sighed softly.

Meng Yiwen stopped talking, fell silent, her eyes were full of sadness. Some people don't need to ask, it just adds to the sadness.

Everyone she knew was probably gone. How many years has she been trapped in this trial place?

"At least I'm free. I didn't expect the sect to become like this now... If the master and brothers know, they will be very sad. Don't think about the past. Let's pass this trial first. After I go out ..." Meng Yiwen didn't say the rest. But when everyone saw her resolute eyes, they understood everything.

Gu Fenghua sighed in his heart, the Feitian sect back then should be much stronger than it is now. This Meng Yiwen of the fifth rank of Profound Sage has a firm heart, and her understanding and talent are also extremely high. Otherwise, I would not persist until their arrival, nor would I adjust my mentality so quickly and cheer up.

"There is a teleportation array on this island. If we successfully find the teleportation array and send it out, then this level will be passed." Meng Yiwen said in a deep voice after cheering up. Although she looks like a young girl at this moment, the vicissitudes and stability between her brows are extremely inconsistent with her appearance.

"Then the assessment passed this time?" Brother Liu said a little happily.

"There are three levels in total. You have to pass all of them." Meng Yiwen added.

"We have already passed two levels, and this is the third level." Brother Liu explained.

"So that's it. The order of the levels has been changed. This island was the first level before. The seasons of the year is the second level. I don't know what the other level is." Meng Yiwen frowned, "Does it change every time or just you participate in it?" changed later?"

"I don't know about this. Then, do you know where the teleportation array is?" Gu Fenghua asked a key question. As for what to call Meng Yiwen, she was also confused, what should she call her?

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