My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1372 Give me such a valuable thing?

"Juju? Is it the name of this phantom fox?" The patriarch was taken aback.

"Yes, it's called Jiaojuju. It's a squeamish little guy." Gu Fenghua said while looking down at Jiaojuju lying on his neck, with a gentle smile that couldn't be concealed in his eyes.

Seeing Gu Fenghua's gentle expression, the patriarch felt warm in his heart.

"It turns out that Juju is a phantom fox, no wonder." Gu Fenghua muttered in a low voice. It turns out that Juju can operate the phantom array and so on, it is their clan's ability.

"Young Sect Master, please accept these two shark beads." Out of nowhere, two beads emitting green light appeared in the patriarch's hand, "These shark beads can help humans breathe underwater."

"Give me such a valuable thing?" Gu Fenghua really couldn't figure out what the patriarch meant. That's too good for her, right? The teleportation array is for her to use, and she also sends things.

"It's not expensive, but it's more practical, and the young suzerain should be able to use it in the future." The patriarch looked deeply at Gu Fenghua. No one knew how surging and excited her heart was at the moment. The person I had been looking forward to for so long was standing in front of me vividly.

"Then, thank you patriarch. If anyone needs my help in the future, I will definitely help within the scope of my ability." Gu Fenghua is very clear about the function of this shark bead, and he is also greedy in his heart.

"Yes, young suzerain, thank you. It's not too late, let's send you back quickly." The patriarch watched Gu Fenghua accept the shark beads, and urged.

"Well, thank you patriarch." Gu Fenghua nodded and smiled gratefully. No matter what the patriarch's plan is, Gu Fenghua is very clear that the other party has no malicious intentions. On the contrary, there is a sense of closeness. Gu Fenghua didn't understand why. But seeing what the other party meant, he didn't intend to explain. Even if I want to ask, I can't ask anything.

I'll talk about that later. Gu Fenghua had a feeling in his heart that he would definitely meet them again in the future.

The teleportation array is in the karst cave below the island. Walking along the mountain stream, it is full of water not far away. The patriarch ordered her clansmen to swim forward one by one. Finally, everyone came to the center below the island. In the center of the cave, surrounded by water, there is only a circular platform protruding out, on which is a teleportation array.

The merman led everyone onto the platform before letting them go. Brother Liu still had a dreamy look on his face. Not only did he see the merman today, but he was also taken swimming by the merman. Although there is a big difference between the mermaids on the shore and in the water, Senior Brother Liu selectively forgets their appearance in the water, and only remembers the beautiful appearance of the mermaids on land.

"Young Sect Master, please." The patriarch made a gesture of invitation.

Gu Fenghua and his group stepped onto the teleportation formation, thanked the patriarch again, the patriarch activated the teleportation formation, and watched Gu Fenghua and the others leave.

After a burst of white light, the figures of Gu Fenghua and others disappeared in place.

The patriarch stood motionless like a sculpture, just staring at the teleportation array.

The next moment, the patriarch suddenly knelt on the ground, put his hands on the ground, and pressed his head to the ground. The elders in the back also all moved with the patriarch and suddenly fell to their knees.

Yiyi was startled, and although she didn't understand what was going on, she immediately knelt down on the ground.

"May my young master live in peace forever." The patriarch said this sentence solemnly, piously, and full of hope.

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