"Is this a map?" Gu Fenghua took it over and asked.

"Yes, I don't have anything good for you either. You put these away." Wen Renjiang took out a bag of Holy Spirit Stone Fortress to Gu Fenghua.

But Gu Fenghua waved his hand and refused: "I still have a way to earn the Holy Spirit Stone. The Feitian Sect is now developing and needs money, so you keep it." Gu Fenghua refused to accept it no matter what.

Wen Renjiang had no choice but to give up, and after a few more words of advice, he stopped.

He gave three drops of Jiaoju's blood to Wenrenjiang, and told them to keep it safe, and then taught them the tricks to trigger the killing array. Gu Fenghua felt relieved when he was sure that both of them knew how to do it.

After sending Gu Fenghua down the mountain, when it was time to say goodbye, both Wen Renjiang and Qiao Feiyu felt uncomfortable. I don't know when the next meeting will be. Or, is there still a chance to meet?

"We will definitely meet." Gu Fenghua saw the sadness of the two, and comforted him, "Brothers and sisters, I will let you explain to me. There is always a banquet in the world, but the parting is for the next reunion. Don't send it away, just stay."


Wen Renjiang and Qiao Feiyu watched Gu Fenghua's back disappear into the night, feeling both reluctance and sadness in their hearts.

"Don't think about it, if you really want to do something for her, let's develop our sect well." Wen Renjiang looked at Qiao Feiyu's complex expression, and comforted her.

"Well, I will!" Qiao Feiyu nodded in various ways. Recalling the past, since Gu Fenghua came to Feitianzong, he has given too much to Feitianzong, but Feitianzong gave her nothing. Thinking of the indignation he felt when he heard the sect's ancestral rules and wanted to be loyal to Gu Fenghua, he really wanted to slap himself at that time.

After Gu Fenghua left, Wen Renjiang had already thought of an excuse, that is, the family of the Young Sovereign picked her up, took her to practice, and would come back later.

The sudden departure made many people feel sad and sad. But not everyone believes this rhetoric. It's just that Wen Renjiang was obviously unwilling to tell them, and they couldn't find out for the time being.


Gu Fenghua took Jiaojuju on the road overnight, left Feitianzong, slept in the wild for one night, and continued on the road.

While on the way, Jiao Juju gave her a surprise.

"Master, I can carry you away." Jiaoju said happily, wagging her big tail after eating the barbecue at noon.

"Carry me?" Gu Fenghua looked at Jiaoju's small body and said suspiciously.

"I can become bigger." Jiaoju stood up after she finished speaking, her figure grew in the wind at this moment, and gradually turned into a big fox. Although it was not as big as Yuebai's body, it was still as big as a small wildebeest.

"It's just that Juju's strength is still too small to carry the master for too long." Jiaoju said with some embarrassment, "But Juju will grow up, and then I can carry the master for a long time."

"No, no. Juju, you are still young. You eat more, and you can carry me when you grow up. Now change back, let's continue on our way." Gu Fenghua looked at Jiaoju's figure, and then listened From what Jiaoju said, one knew that it must be very difficult for Jiaoju to carry her. How could she be willing to ride this arrogant and delicate baby? However, Gu Fenghua is looking forward to growing up in Jiaojuju. When Juju grows up to the size of Yuebai, he can carry more than one person.

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