"Oh, Senior Sister Yingrong, I won't say anything." Yu Le'er probably sensed that something was wrong with her words, and timidly glanced at Senior Sister Yingrong, sticking out her tongue and shrunk her neck, not daring to speak any more.

"I'm sorry, my junior sister is young and ignorant, I made you laugh. My name is Han Yangshu, from Nanli Sect. This is my senior sister Chang Yingrong, junior brother Zhou Siqin, and junior sister Yu Le'er. I don't know what to call this junior sister?" The handsome and sunny young man spoke.

As saint masters, those who are not familiar with each other are generally referred to as senior brother or senior sister. This is the same as Wuji Shengtian and Tianji Continent.

"My name is Gu Fenghua, a casual cultivator." Gu Fenghua said.

Unlike Tianji Continent, Saint Master Wuji attaches more importance to the inheritance of the master's sect. Feitianzong is just a small sect, and she doesn't want to report the name of the sect, so as not to cause trouble to Feitianzong in the future. Now is the critical time for Feitianzong to develop and grow, Gu Fenghua does not want to involve Feitianzong in future accidents.

"Hmph!" Chang Yingrong snorted coldly, revealing a look of contempt.

This look of contempt was not concealed at all, of course Gu Fenghua noticed it, but she didn't pay much attention to it.

It has been a while since she came to Wuji Shengtian, and she has some understanding of this place. Compared with Tianji Continent, Wuji Shengtian has more abundant cultivation resources and more common practice methods, and because of the more abundant heaven and earth aura, there are more people with cultivation qualifications, so in Wuji Shengtian, ordinary saints The status of a teacher is not as detached as in Tianji Continent. Only by joining a sect can one be regarded as a carp jumping over the dragon gate, and the higher the status of the sect, the higher the status of a saint teacher. Naturally, he would not be looked down upon by the disciples of the sect. Coupled with the hatred brought by Yu Leer, it would be strange for Chang Yingrong to show her a good face.

"Senior Brother Han, may I ask how to get to Lanshan City?" Gu Fenghua asked Han Yangshu.

"Senior Sister Gu, you are going to Lanshan City. You happen to be on the same road with us. Just follow us." Yu Le'er was still young. Although she was a little aware of Chang Yingrong's dissatisfaction, she didn't think much about it. Said enthusiastically.

"Yu Le'er, what did Master teach you when you came out, don't talk to strangers casually, have you forgotten?" As soon as the words finished, Chang Yingrong reprimanded severely.

"Oh." Yu Le'er was obviously afraid of this senior sister, and immediately retracted her neck and lowered her head to pretend to be an ostrich.

"Thank you, Junior Sister Leer, I'm a little tired, let's rest for a while, you go first." Gu Fenghua nodded to Leer and said. She was just asking for the way, but she didn't expect to accidentally lie on the gun. Since Chang Yingrong doesn't welcome her, she doesn't bother to make do with them. Anyway, it's the same way, just see which way they go. .

"Okay then." Han Yangshu was older, and he could somewhat see Chang Yingrong's dislike for Gu Fenghua, and he guessed why, so he didn't force it, but he reminded, "The Qingwu Mountain is ahead. There are often monsters and beasts, you should be more careful when you are alone, I have some healing elixir here, you take it for emergencies."

As Han Yangshu said, he took out several jade bottles containing holy pills and handed them to Gu Fenghua.

Hehe, is this the warm man the brothers are talking about? Gu Fenghua looked at Han Yangshu with a gentle smile on his face, and thought of the word warm man in his heart.

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