My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1387 It's Clearly Belonging

"Junior Sister Gu, let's take a step first, and see you later." Han Yangshu cupped his hands and said.

"See you by fate." Gu Fenghua also returned the gift.

A few wildebeests galloped by, and when they passed by, Chang Yingrong turned her head and gave Gu Fenghua a wary look. The smiling face that was originally bright and bright in spring suddenly became cloudy again.

This change of face made Gu Fenghua shake her head helplessly. If she still can't understand why Chang Yingrong rejects her so much, then she really has no vision. Obviously, this woman has something to do with Han Yang Shuxin. Yu Leer praised herself in disguise in front of Han Yangshu because she was prettier than her.

Fortunately, it was just a chance encounter. The Promise is so big, it is estimated that there will be no more intersections in the future, and Gu Fenghua didn't take it to heart.

Following the path chosen by the others, Gu Fenghua also rushed towards Lanshan City.

Soon, Gu Fenghua entered a mountain forest, where a faint blue mist permeated the forest. Even though the sunlight fell from the treetops and formed beams of light, the scenery in front of him still gave people a somewhat hazy and mysterious feeling. The name of Qingwu Mountain must have come from this.

I remember that Han Yangshu reminded her before that there are often monsters and beasts in this Qingwu Mountain. Although Gu Fenghua has the cultivation base of the third grade of Xuansheng, he is not very familiar with Wuji Shengtian after all, so he dare not be careless. Beware of divine sense.

The mountain road was rough and difficult, and she had to be distracted to guard against monsters. Gu Fenghua's speed was naturally too fast. Thinking of the wildebeest that Han Yangshu and the others rode, she couldn't help feeling a little envious.

Different from the wildebeest with two horns on the first head of Tianji Continent, the wildebeest of Wuji Shengtian has two horns on both sides of the forehead and a sharp horn in the middle. Not only is it stronger and faster, it also has Its attack power is not weak, and it can already be regarded as a monster, far from being comparable to the wildebeest in Tianji Continent.

There are even legends that this kind of triangular wildebeest has the blood of an ancient dragon, so it is also called dragon blood wildebeest by some people. , that sharp horn will be advanced into a golden dragon horn, and its attack power is no less than that of a high-level monster. It is also for this reason that not everyone is entitled to own such a dragon blood wildebeest even in Wuji Shengtian, and it usually falls into the hands of the disciples of the sect.

When Gu Fenghua thought of this, he thought of Jiaojuju. Juju has been nesting in Gu Fenghua's demon pet space. And Jianjian and Xiongzi are still asleep, no matter how Jiaojuju calls them, it's useless. Gu Fenghua told him not to worry about it, and introduced the two brats when they woke up. They must be made to take good care of this well-behaved little sister. If she dared to make trouble, she would beat them up, and if one meal was not enough, she would give them two.

Gu Fenghua thinks that when Juju grows up in the future, well, he can ride it himself. However, it's okay for Juju to act as a mount once in a while, but if she runs for a long distance, she will definitely be exhausted. What's more, such a cute demon pet is too painful to hold in her arms, and she is not willing to use it as a mount all day long. If she really wants to travel, this kind of dragon blood wildebeest is more practical.

But this is all for the future, at least for now, she still has to walk honestly. Before he knew it, it was evening, and since he was not in a hurry to hurry, Gu Fenghua found a place on a leeward cliff and set up camp, preparing to rest for a night before continuing on his way.

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