My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1392 You may not be able to pay back in this lifetime

What Gu Fenghua said is right. The monsters in Qingwu Mountain are far more powerful than they expected before. If they don't heal their injuries quickly, they will be greatly compromised. Let alone protecting Yu Le'er, I'm afraid that if I'm all like a bodhisattva crossing the river, I can't protect myself, so I can't rely on Gu Fenghua to protect them.

Seeing that the senior brother had already taken the Taihe Xuan Huan Pill, Zhou Siqin also took the Holy Pill, at first he wanted to say that he would be rewarded in the future, but after thinking about it, he swallowed it back. It was too precious, and he might not be able to repay it in his whole life.

Dan Li circulated, and the wounds of the two healed and scabbed at a speed visible to the naked eye. After a while, only a few shallow scars were left.

This is the real healing elixir! Feeling the wonder of this Taihe Xuan Huan Dan personally, Han Yangshu and Zhou Siqin were filled with emotions.

Involuntarily, the two of them thought of the bottles of Xuanxue pills that they gave Gu Fenghua as a gift, and they were so ashamed that they couldn't bear it. Compared with this Taihe Xuan Huan Pill, the Xuan Xue Pill they gave away is undoubtedly garbage among garbage, but Gu Fenghua took it as if nothing had happened.

Originally, she was worried about hurting Gu Fenghua's self-esteem, but now that she thought about it, she accepted the gift as if nothing had happened, but she was actually worried about hurting their self-esteem.

Wanting to understand this, the two respected Gu Fenghua more. In the Tianji Continent, it’s nothing more than a small sect or casual cultivator who is not in the mainstream. They don’t pay too much attention to the rank and inferiority, but the higher the rank of the sect, the more obvious the rank and inferiority. With a little strength, who is not pretentious with his nostrils upturned, who will take the dignity of the weak seriously? It is really rare to see someone like Gu Fenghua who is obviously powerful but still approachable and willing to think about others.

"What a powerful holy pill, why didn't I get hurt? It's a pity." Yu Le'er looked at this scene in amazement, her heart was full of regrets. If she was also injured, she could also taste the strength of this heavenly holy pill. What a taste.

Gu Fenghua laughed dumbfounded, and only this innocent little girl would say such words.

"I'll give you these bottles of Taihe Xuan Huan Dan, but try not to get hurt if you can avoid getting hurt, let alone get hurt just to taste the pill, otherwise I won't give it to you." Gu Fenghua took out a few more bottles of Tai He Xuan Huan Dan To Yu Le'er, said jokingly.

"What... this, this is for me, no, it's too... too expensive, I can't take it." Yu Le'er never expected that Gu Fenghua would give her such a precious holy pill, and stammered, also Did not dare to reach out.

"Take it, I still have it here." Gu Fenghua directly stuffed the holy pill into Yu Le'er's hand, and then took out a few more bottles and shook them in front of her eyes.

"Then I won't be polite, thank you, Senior Sister Gu." After all, Yu Le'er was still a child at heart, and after hearing what Gu Fenghua said, she no longer declined, smiling so much that her eyes became crescent moons.

"Senior Sister Gu, where did you get these holy pills?" Yu Le'er couldn't help asking curiously while putting away the holy pills. If it's just Taihe Xuan Huan Dan, it's fine, the most important thing is, it's all Tian Rank Tai He Xuan Huan Dan, how can a casual cultivator have so many top-grade holy pills on him.

"You didn't sneak out after stealing the master's elixir, did you?" Without waiting for Gu Fenghua's answer, he guessed again.

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