"How is this possible? Didn't it mean that the demon core only appears on monsters above the ninth rank, and the probability is extremely low. The highest wolf king is no more than the seventh rank. How could it be condensed into a demon core?" After exclaiming, Han Yangshu asked again. Said in disbelief. It turns out that in Wuji Holy Heaven, demon pills are really not legends, but they only appear on monsters above ninth rank.

Gu Fenghua's heart skipped a beat, and he thought of the moire lynx in the Zichen Hall of Xinghua Temple. It was obviously just the most common low-level monster, but it became extremely powerful because of Mieshi Zichen. If I didn't guess wrong, the reason why the magic-eyed wind wolf in front of me surpassed the blood limit of the sixth-level monster and evolved to the seventh level, and the reason why it condensed the demon core, should also have something to do with Mieshi Zichen.

It seems that even in Wuji Holy Heaven, the dust of Mieshi has not been completely cleaned up, and some places still remain.

"Fenghua, this demon pill is extremely precious, you must hide it well and don't let outsiders know about it." Han Yangshu picked up the demon pill and handed it to Gu Fenghua.

Gu Fenghua nodded, and generously put the wolf king demon pill into the storage space. She was originally a holy alchemist, and she was also practicing the technique of refining weapons, so this demon pill could be used just right. Moreover, the wolf king died under her sword, and the demon pill should belong to her in the first place.

"This matter must be kept secret, and no news can be leaked." Han Yangshu told Zhou Siqin and Yu Le'er again.

"Don't worry, brother, we won't talk nonsense." Zhou Siqin and the two nodded repeatedly. You must know that the strength of monsters above the ninth rank is comparable to that of heaven, and the probability of condensing the demon core is extremely low. One can imagine the preciousness of this demon core. If it is leaked out, it will definitely bring disaster to Gu Fenghua. I won't spread it around and hurt her.

"Hey, why are you here again?" Chang Yingrong's voice sounded from behind just as the wolf king demon pill was put away.

"Senior sister, you are back!" Yu Leer said happily.

"Oh, I see, you want to seek refuge, right? That's right, this Qingwu Mountain is full of dangers, you are just a casual cultivator, if you don't have the cheek to follow us, I'm afraid you won't be able to reach Lanshan City." Chang Yingrong But he ignored her, but looked at Gu Fenghua with an unkind expression, and said contemptuously.

Gu Fenghua's face turned cold slightly, she has seen many self-righteous people, but she has never seen one who is so self-righteous, with Gu Fenghua's strength, does she still need her protection? It's a joke.

"Senior sister, you misunderstood. Just now we were besieged by a pack of wolves. Thanks to Fenghua's rescue, we escaped." Seeing Gu Fenghua's face turned cold, Zhou Siqin quickly stepped forward and stood between her and Chang Yingrong explained.

He has seen Gu Fenghua's strength with his own eyes, not to mention the same level of holy masters, even the fifth rank of Xuansheng, I'm afraid they can't stop her sword. Chang Yingrong's cultivation is no more than the third grade of Profound Sage, only one level higher than Han Yangshu's. If Gu Fenghua is annoyed, that wolf king will be her fate.

He obviously underestimated Gu Fenghua's magnanimity. Although she didn't like this kind of ignorant and jealous woman at all, she wouldn't draw a sword to hurt someone just because of a few words.

"What, she was just a casual cultivator and saved you? Zhou Siqin, even if you look at her pitifully and want to help her, you don't have to put money on her face like this." Of course, Chang Yingrong didn't say a word to Zhou Siqin. will believe it.

The Nanli Sect is a middle-rank sect. Although Han Yangshu and the others are only outer disciples, it is only because their backgrounds are too ordinary. When it comes to aptitude and cultivation, they are no worse than some inner disciples, so there is no need for a mere casual cultivator Come to rescue, Zhou Siqin said so, obviously trying to put money on Gu Fenghua's face.

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