The most important thing is that his mentality is much more stable, and he has never been anxious or irritable since he took the shot. However, Fang Yunan may be because he has been suppressed by Han Yangshu after many battles and defeats over the years, so he is too eager for revenge, so it is inevitable irritable. As long as there are no accidents, Han Yangshu will undoubtedly win this match.

"Really, then we don't have to worry about it." Seeing Gu Fenghua's strength, Zhou Yu and the two of them believed in her words, Yu Leer said with a sigh of relief, patting his chest.

"Le'er, even if you don't believe me, you should believe in you Han..." Gu Fenghua jokingly said while rubbing the chicken coop on Yu Leer's head.

Before he finished speaking, Gu Fenghua was suddenly startled slightly.

"What's wrong?" Yu Le'er looked at Gu Fenghua strangely. She was used to Gu Fenghua rubbing the chicken coop on her head, and she felt extra intimate and warm.

Gu Fenghua didn't answer, but just stared at the competition stage, his eyes gradually became serious.

On the stage, both Han Yangshu and Fang Yunan were full of murderous intent, their bodies were full of berserk aura, and what was even more frightening was that their eyes were covered with a purple halo at some point, although it was very faint It was so faint that it was almost imperceptible, but it still reminded Gu Fenghua of the purple starlight in the eyes of the wind wolf wolf king and the armored wild rhinoceros.

"Five Thunders, Absolute Sword!" Fang Yunan suddenly let out a hoarse shout, and the long sword in his hand transformed into thousands of sword shadows, piercing towards Han Yang Shufei overwhelmingly, every sword shadow flashed with lightning, and even faintly emitted thunder roar.

"Jianling, Jiuxiao!" Han Yangshu flew away, stabbing Fang Yunan straight with his long sword, and it seemed that the human sword merged into one in an instant, but three afterimages appeared.

"Senior Brother Fang actually comprehended the Five Thunders Absolute Sword, this is our Fazong's fourth greatest mastery!" There was an exclamation from the crowd of Fazong disciples, and some female disciples were so excited that their eyes were full of little stars. .

No wonder they are so excited. Fazong has three great skills: Feitian Yunling, Jinghua Shuiyue and Jiutian Jianlei. As an outer disciple, Fang Yunan is of course not qualified to practice these three unique skills. The strong holy law is the sword of five thunders.

Although it is not among the three great skills, the difficulty of comprehending the Five Thunders and Jue Jian is actually not much less than the three great skills, so it is also known as the fourth great skill of Fazong. Throughout the ages, there are very few people who can use the Five Thunders Absolute Sword as a foreign disciple!

"I didn't expect Senior Brother Han to cultivate Jian Ling Jiuxiao to the third level!" The disciple of the Jizong was also full of emotions, and his eyes were full of admiration when looking at Han Yangshu.

Different from Fazong, there is only one unique skill in Jizong, which is Jianling Jiuxiao, but it has nine realms. Outer disciples can only learn the first three realms, and the latter six cultivation methods can only be practiced by inner disciples. Han Yangshu, an outer disciple, was able to conjure up three afterimages, obviously reaching his limit.

"Not bad, Yunan is worthy of being the number one disciple of the outer sect of my Nanli Sect, and he has learned the Five Thunders Absolute Sword. I underestimated him." Chang Wanfa on the viewing platform was obviously very satisfied with Fang Yunan's performance , stroking his long beard with his hand, he was full of praise.

"What is the number one outer disciple? If I remember correctly, Fang Yunan has never taken advantage of Han Yangshu's hands." Qiu Qianjian sneered and said disapprovingly.

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