My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1424 Two Lines of Hot Tears Roll Out

It's not good to learn from anyone, but to learn from Fatty Bai. You must know that guy's cooking talent, but even she is ashamed, and only in the area of ​​barbecue, she can have the upper hand. Luo Enen dared to learn how to cook from Fatty Bai, so he was lucky that he didn't poison himself to death.

"Sit down for a while, and I'll make a pot of my best rice with eight treasures, so that you can experience my cooking skills." Luo Enen said unconvinced.

"Wait, are you sure you're good at it?" Gu Fenghua asked suspiciously.

"Of course, I've invited people to eat several times, and every time I've moved them to tears, even to the point of tears." Luo Enen said proudly.

"Are you sure they are moved?" Upon hearing this, Gu Fenghua became even more suspicious.

"Of course, you'll know after a taste when I'm done." Luo Enen recovered a little strength, and walked into the kitchen with high spirits.

Probably because practice makes perfect, this time it only took half an hour, and a steaming pot of rice with all kinds of eight treasures was served on the table.

"Come, try my craft." Luo Enen said to Gu Fenghua confidently.

"You first." Gu Fenghua said politely. Although the sapphire and emerald porridge didn't make her spit it out on the spot, it still made her extremely sick. This time, she didn't want to be a guinea pig anymore.

"Okay, I'll have a bowl first." Lornen was obviously very confident in the deliciousness of this dish.

However, after only one bite, her self-confidence disappeared, and two lines of tears rolled out.

"Bang!" Luo Enen threw down his job bowl and rushed out like a whirlwind. Soon, the overwhelming sound of vomiting came again.

Gu Fenghua picked up the chopsticks and carefully put a few grains of rice into her mouth. Immediately, she frowned. Although she didn't spit like Miss Luo, her expression also became strange.

It is indeed a hundred flavors and eight treasures rice. Just tasted a few grains of rice, sour, bitter, spicy, numbing and other tastes gathered in the mouth, but there was no trace of sweetness, and emotions such as pain, sorrow, sorrow, etc. also entered the mind, but there was no joy.

If Fatty Bai's cooking skills are the limit of deliciousness, then Miss Luo's cooking skills are obviously another extreme. Gu Fenghua really can't imagine that there is someone in this world who can make such unpalatable food. Others need money to cook, but Miss Luo's cooking is terrible!

After vomiting for a full hour, Luo Enen returned to the yard tremblingly with his weak legs. Her face was so pale, and her expression was so sad, as if she had just wandered around the gate of hell.

"Come, eat something?" Gu Fenghua handed over a roast chicken.

Miss Luo's cooking skills can't be counted on, so she had to do it herself. Just as Lonen was vomiting, she had already roasted some pheasants and hares.

Lornen's eyes lit up, and he stretched out his hand in a lightning-fast manner, grabbing the roast chicken and gnawing it wildly.

Gu Fenghua looked at Luo Enen with both surprise and admiration. Just now, he looked weak as if the wind could blow him down, but he recovered so quickly when he saw the delicious food. He is indeed a foodie among foodies.

"Phew, I haven't eaten such a delicacy for a long time. It's so enjoyable." In the blink of an eye, only a bare skeleton remained of the roast chicken. Tears flashed.

Looking at the tears in her eyes, Gu Fenghua secretly sympathized, and passed another roast chicken over.

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