"I can't remember clearly either. It seems to be subjugation. Also, it's just a legend. I don't know if it's true or not." Han Yangshu shook his head and replied.

"Whether he is true or not, I will take you to the Library Pavilion tomorrow to find out." Luo Enen said.

Hearing this, Han Yangshu looked envious. No matter which sect you are in, the Zangshu Pavilion is the most important place. Most of the real top-level exercises and sword skills are treasured here. Step by step, only Luo Enen, a junior uncle with a detached status, would say that going to Zangshu Pavilion is as simple as visiting the vegetable market.

"If you want to go, come here early tomorrow, and I'll take you in to have a look." Seeing Han Yangshu's envious face, Luo Enen said generously.

"Thank you...thank you, little uncle." Han Yangshu was so excited that he could not speak coherently. When he just entered the Nanli Sect, he defeated Fang Yunan in the trial, and was allowed to go to the Cangshu Pavilion to study for half a day. Unfortunately, his cultivation base was too low at that time, and he didn't have much insight, so he wasted a great opportunity .

I thought that I would have to wait until I entered the inner gate to have the opportunity to go to the Library Pavilion again, but I didn't expect happiness to come so suddenly. Of course, he also knew that the reason why the little uncle looked at him differently was because of Gu Fenghua's face. Although he didn't say much, his eyes were full of gratitude when he looked at Gu Fenghua.

"It's getting late, and it won't affect my junior uncle's rest. I'll take my leave first. Fenghua, you should also go to bed earlier." Han Yangshu forced himself to calm down, and respectfully said to Gu Fenghua and the others.

"Well, don't forget to go early tomorrow." Lonen said.

"Yes, little uncle." Han Yangshu bowed and retreated, his eyes still unable to hide his excitement. With such a great opportunity in front of him, even if Luo Enen didn't mention it, he would never miss the hour.

Gu Fenghua was somewhat exhausted during the journey, so he went back to his room to rest after seeing off Han Yangshu.

Qingxi Valley is more peaceful at night, but Gu Fenghua is always a little restless: Is the abnormality of Han Yangshu and Fang Yunan really related to that legendary monster? If so, how powerful it must be Monster?

With her character, there was no need to care about this matter, but Han Yangshu, Zhou Siqin and Yu Le'er are her friends, and Luo Enen is also a member of the Nanli Sect. When it comes to the detachment of status, she is not even among the two. Under the elders, if something happens, they can't stay out of it, so she doesn't want to care about it.

At the same time, on the hillside on the side of the valley, Chang Yingrong was hiding among the exotic flowers and grasses that were half a person tall, looking at Han Yangshu's leaving back, trembling with anger, her face was livid.

It's so late, what is he doing in Qingxi Valley? Is there something he can't say during the day, but he has to sneak here at night? I knew it, I knew he was thinking about Gu Fenghua, otherwise how could he treat me like this? No, not right! Senior Brother Han devoted himself to cultivation and has never been in love with men and women. How could he have special feelings for her? It must be that bitch who seduced him, that must be the case! Thinking of this, Chang Yingrong's eyes almost burst into flames.

Chang Yingrong selectively ignores that Han Yangshu has no affection for her, and even ignores that even if Han Yangshu is interested in Gu Fenghua, it is Han Yangshu who took the initiative, distortedly blaming everything on Gu Fenghua.

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